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I would like to see portal beds added to which you only lets say get half the rate of sb and be capped at 2 hours 30 minutes.



This would help a lot of people unable to make a bed right away and have to log off.




I was thinking a rather easy items, perhaps 4 full logs and you have to rummage on trees to collect leaves to place on top of the logs for bedding. This would be a good items new players can use and people making a new deed.



As taken from the people.

4 nails

4 planks

2 shafts

4,5 kgs of cotton (Can get from botanizing)

(Animal fat is iffy due to the fact you have to kill something while this item is circled around newbs. 

Edited by Atndy
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4-5 kgs of cloth (obvious reasons) + animal fat (waterproof) + shafts + nails


Sure, why not. If you know you'll logout somewhere, where you don't have a bed - bring tent with you.

Edited by Arkhir

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Tents could function as simple 1x1 (or larger?) structures. The cloth walls would dmg easier than say wooden housing. No locks; however, the basic complete structure permissions.

Bedrolls could essentially work as cruder versions of beds: less sleep bonus, stamina regen, etc.

Campfires could enable shorter logoff timers within a specific radius (5?).

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And bears would be attracted and eat you while your asleep.

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If this was added to epic I'd forsee a few walls thrown up around sleeping people :)

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I hear they do that on Freedom too.

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+1 XD it would be also better then newbie shacks everywhere :P


but maybe make it variable so that you can use pelts or hides or leather OR Cloth ;)

Edited by Miretta

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I like this idea a lot. I would be all for having tents. 

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I was just saying we should have something a little more simple to make for brand new players I like this idea

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Had this prepared for an opening post, but will add it here for comparison. I was envisioning tents for events, gatherings and hunting parties rather than for newbies, hence my characteristic suggestions, but willing to forgo these if the common vote is for newbie-friendly things.


Shelter - could use same external graphic as a lair.

Branch + branch -> Shelter (You start to create a shelter with branches, twigs, leaves and moss.)
Requires 20 Mind Logic to create.
Cannot be improved.
Cannot be picked up.
Maximum slope permitted = 20.
Can only be built on the following tile-types: Dirt, Packed Dirt, Grass, Moss, Steppe, Tundra.
Destroys easily, decays in 24 hours regardless of quality.
To have partial weatherproof bonus for when cold-detriment is introduced.
Can only enter when not targetted by a creature.
View-height as when swimming.
Lying down graphic - view same as for looking down at your feet, possibly weapons unequipped.
One end of shelter open to view outside, orients like guard-tower when created.
Cannot hold items other than person with exception of sleeping roll.

Sleeping roll - graphic similar to what is shown on backpack.

Made from multiple pelts with minimum weight per pelt 0.4kg, total pelt used per action.
Uses leatherworking.
Gives 1/8 sleep bonus when used - can gain maximum of 7.5 minutes sleep bonus in a shelter before shelter decays.
Returns to pack if shelter decays whilst asleep.

Variant: fine sleeping roll - lined with wool for when sheep are introduced.

Gives 1/4 sleep bonus when used - can gain maximum of 15 minutes sleep bonus in a shelter before shelter decays.

Tent - open-sided

Total materials needed: 4x cotton sheet, 8x shaft, 4x rope
Improves with cloth tailoring
Can only be erected on flat, non-waterlogged, non-tree tiles.
Cannot be erected on a deed without Build permission.
Creates writ when erected.
Can erect multiple tents on adjoining flat tiles to create marquee. Each tile adds to writ. Tents recovered by writ option -> decamp.
Does not stop roaming animals
Cannot use a bed on a tent tile.
Cannot forage/botanise/rummage on tent tiles.

Variant: Sided tent - all sides act as doors

Total materials needed: 1x tent, 8x sheets
Use multiple sided-tents to create a large open space with sides on the external walls.
Does not stop dexterous creatures such as trolls and goblins from entering.
Cannot be locked
To have partial weatherproof bonus for when cold-detriment is introduced.
Can mix-and-match sided and non-sided tents within a writ to create external walls as open or sided.

Variant: Kingdom tent

As sided tent but with Kingdom/PMK colour scheme

Cloth screen - Can be added to a tent writ on a tile border

Total materials required: 2x shaft, 2x cotton sheet
Use to partition spaces within a multiple tile tent.
Acts as solid wall. Cannot be used on external borders.
Is recovered on writ option -> decamp, along with all tents.
Takes heavy bash damage.


Total materials needed: 6x branch, 2x rope, 2x pelt (total pelt used regardless of weight)
Cannot be improved
Cannot be picked up when finished
Can only be placed on a sided-tent tile. Decays rapidly when tent is removed.
Must contain a sleeping roll to use.
Cannot use a campbed if you have more than 2.5 hours of sleep-bonus.
Aborts sleep function at (2.5 hours) half sleep-bonus capacity on character.
Gain sleep-bonus at rate for sleeping roll or fine sleeping roll as appropriate.

Hitching post - for securing led animals

Total materials required: 4x branch, 2x rope
Build on tile border
Quick decay off-deed
Each hitching post can secure 2 led animals - they will autostand on the same tile south or east of the hitching post.
If animal is/becomes aggressive or targets another/is attacked while tame, it will unhitch
If animal is/becomes starving, it will unhitch
Animals that must be tamed to be led must be retamed to lead from the hitching post
Any player can unhitch an untamed animal from an off-deed hitching post by attempting to lead it. Trying to lead an animal that must be tamed before leading will unhitch the animal.
Branded animals can be unhitched from an on-deed hitching post by members of the deed or villagers of the brand. Or by stealing.

Decamped items appear on tiles they were erected over.
All tents require 21 Mind Logic and 21 Body Strength to erect/decamp

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The main things tents would have to be imho:


  • Portable - for example each side wall can be taken down and put back up somewhere else.
  • Weak - at least takes dmg easier than a wood house wall.
  • Compatible w/ Other House Walls - Can be constructed on multistory.
  • Permissions - Similar permission system as other housing. While complete.
  • Unlevel ground - Doesn't have to be perfectly flat, max slope 7?
Edited by Klaa

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The main things tents would have to be imho:


  • Portable - for example each side wall can be taken down and put back up somewhere else.

Weak - at least takes dmg easier than a wood house wall.

Compatible w/ Other House Walls - Can be constructed on multistory.

Permissions - Similar permission system as other housing. While complete.



I like

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Oh left out that the ground should not have to be perfectly level for tent construction... basically the old autoroof setup with wood/stone housing, just with cloth walls.

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The main things tents would have to be imho:


  • Portable - for example each side wall can be taken down and put back up somewhere else.

Weak - at least takes dmg easier than a wood house wall.

Compatible w/ Other House Walls - Can be constructed on multistory.

Permissions - Similar permission system as other housing. While complete.

Unlevel ground - Doesn't have to be perfectly flat, max slope 7?

Compatible w/ Other House Walls - Can be constructed on multistory.

I love this one... especially when we have "sandstone" brick walls, - arabic style.. and colorful ten on a balcony...  Definetly +1

Apart from that  it could be use to make "hostpitals" more immersive... white sheets dividing beds :)

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Hobo tents everywhere


That's what I'm afraid, unless the tent could be destroyed while someone is sleeping inside... Perhaps that's the reason why beds are hard to make and need to be put indoors.


"Hello mate, I'm going to drop a tent in the middle of your deed and logout, never to be seen again..."

Edited by Hula_Girl

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In current beds when someone maxes out on sleep bonus they are "kicked" out of the bed to make room for other sleepers. The same mechanic can be extended to blanket rolls and/or regular beds in tents. At least in terms of limiting the spread of hobo tents.


Furthermore it is possible to set things up so that a tent - built off a deed and with no active sleeper - can be dismantled, packed, and carried off by someone else.


Personally tents should provide temporary shelter and protection. Deeds can be placed to provide more long-term security for a placed tent.


In fact come to think of it... Some new settlement deed specialized for long-term camps?

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Just make them decay fast outside inventory, plus take damage from use like beds, perhaps something like 1 week of usage at 50 QL if it's being used + outside inventory for the whole week


obviously this won't be a problem if you're pitching camp, picking it up, moving on, etc etc, as you will be repairing/imping back up to QL, whereas someone who loggs off for a month or 2 will come back to no tent

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In current beds when someone maxes out on sleep bonus they are "kicked" out of the bed to make room for other sleepers. The same mechanic can be extended to blanket rolls and/or regular beds in tents. At least in terms of limiting the spread of hobo tents.


Furthermore it is possible to set things up so that a tent - built off a deed and with no active sleeper - can be dismantled, packed, and carried off by someone else.


Personally tents should provide temporary shelter and protection. Deeds can be placed to provide more long-term security for a placed tent.


In fact come to think of it... Some new settlement deed specialized for long-term camps?


Woo... A whole new business... Camp grounds!! Webblers KoA of Deliverance! bwuahaha.

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Yes, yes and yes.


On PvP servers it should be made so you drop all your stuff if your tent gets destroyed, perhaps with your spirit inside dying or some crap - so it fits in with the PvPness.

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