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I haven't played Wurm in... probably about 6 months now.

I miss the game. Exploring beautiful terrain and so on...

Anyway I just discovered Proteus. I don't know how long the games been out for, but it very much reminds me of the beauty of Wurm and I'd like to share it with you.

It's a lot more audio oriented and, from my experienced of playing Wurm, a lot of it's player base is connected someway to IT related employment and I think that makes you appreciate games like Wurm and Proteus a lot more; because you look at it from multiple perspectives.




I don't care enough to go back and polish up what I just explained.

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So what do you actually do, wander around and look at landscapes? Seems more like a non-interactive Minecraft than Wurm tbh

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How you can compair this in any way with "the beauty of Wurm" is something that completely escapes me. This just reminds me of those who suggest that Heaven and Hearth and Minecraft can compair in any fashion with the beauty and detail of the Wurm environment. There is simply nothing like it, which is what keeps my interest firmly tied to Wurm in conjunction with its building and environmental aspects. I mean really, this is really a crude rendering of a world environment. Nothing against you, just saying.



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"A game? More like audiovisual artistic experiment. Only thing you can do is walk around."


The "beauty" in a representation of 8bit genre type of graphics in terrain rendering... How on earth did that remind you about wurm? ;D


Oh, I get it. Saw my friends kids drawings one day, they reminded me of Skyrim. Guess anything can happen when our memory is operating with itself.

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not exactly sure where its similar, but I liked proteus, cause it's very much the base of every game we know ;)


"Learn a world with it's own rules by exploring and interacting with it" Proteus is like a very simplified version of how kids see the world, when they are newly born and how they experience it, once they are getting older.


I think I played it for a few days to test some stuff out ;) cause it was fun to see how the sounds changed when you looked for a while into the sun (and you got blinded lol) or when you went to a tower construct and got teleported or when you start chasing frogs just to find other glowing and glittering frogs or to let them jump into the sea and vanish forever...>.>

or bumping stones and when you bumped all of them in a specific order something happens^^

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Mallaboro, welcome back ;)


yeah, shame I can't get my old account back, but oh well. I don't mind starting again, haha.

I am one hell of a hypocrite.

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