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Synergy lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple (up to 15) computers on your desk, and it's Free and Open Source. Just move your mouse off the edge of one computer's screen on to another. You can even share all of your clipboards. All you need is a network connection. Synergy is cross-platform (works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux).

Everything works fine; the mouse moves from screen to screen, clipboard transfers and keyboard movement all work. Problem I am having is when using the mouse look, it is extreemly fast and direction is not up and down left to right, it's more up = up-left, down = down-right...

Wurm is the only program that I have found this issue in.

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If you search the Synergy issue tracker, you'll find that problems with using a mouse to look around in games are fairly common with Synergy. Typically enabling relative mouse movement and locking the screen to the current client screen (with scroll lock by default) when looking around will solve the problem, but it has been reported that this will not work for games with such problems if they are running on the machine acting as the Synergy server. As such, you may need to run Wurm Online only on Synergy client(s) rather than the Synergy server to get it to work properly with Synergy. Shutting down the Synergy server while playing is also an option.

Adjusting the Wurm Online client's sensitivity with the console command "sensitivity <value>" (without quotes, replacing <value> with a valid floating point value) may also help some, but likely will not solve the problem since it is probably a problem with Synergy.

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Snyergy sends absolute cursor positions to the client but the games want relative movement from the mouse.

To enable this you need to lock the cursor to the screen. I've got this in my synergy config on the server (the computer with the keyboard and mouse):

section: options
relativeMouseMoves = true
keystroke(control+alt+f1) = ; lockCursorToScreen(toggle)

So to get the mouse working in games I have to press ctrl-alt-f1 to lock the cursor to the screen and to be able to switch again I have to press it again.

Hope this helps

Edited by ago

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great guys, thanks for the help. While I'm at work I usually just stand there in wurm making bricks, nails or easy-bake items so moving around isn't a big deal. So I jusy hooked up a mouse to that box and stuffed it in the corner in-case I need to move in wurm :)

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