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Plan Building On Clay Tile

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With Release having so much Clay, it occasionally happens that nice settlement spots have a few clay tiles right in the middle of them. Making clay destructible would be one solution to this problem, but a more moderate approach would be to let us plan a building on clay, which is currently not possible (the option doesn't show up on clay tiles).

Previously this didn't make sense as you wouldn't want to walk on clay in your house, but now that houses can have floors independent of the tile underneath, it should be possible to plan a house on a flat clay tile. Optionally this could be limited to on-deed tiles only, to prevent others from building a house to block access to clay (but then there are already several other ways to block clay access for the so inclined). It might also be tied to requiring your house to have a floor (although the slow walking speed on clay should be encouragement enough for that).

Just a few clarifications:

  • This suggestion is about building houses on clay tiles, it is not about destroying clay tiles.
  • It's not currently possible to plan a building on a (flat) clay tile.
  • It apparently used to be possible to do this before multi-story houses came around, so maybe it's just a bug that currently prevents it.

P.S.: To pre-empt the usual "you deeded clay you bastard" posts, yes, I've deeded a couple clay tiles because they were in the middle of a nice spot. I've then raised some off-deed clay from the ocean floor, built a causeway and stuck a "Public Clay Pit" sign on it. I feel that to be fair, as I haven't blocked anyone from a local clay deposit (not that there aren't several more around anyways).

Edited by Ingmar

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actually...its possible to build houses on clay....don't know why it didnt work for you

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actually...its possible to build houses on clay....don't know why it didnt work for you

Uhm, I didn't get the option on a flat clay tile, while I did get it on slab and cobblestone paving right next to it. I'll try again in a bit to confirm, but I'm fairly sure it wasn't possible.

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Tiles must be completely flat. So unless the tile is already, you can't.

This change came with MS buildings.

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Ok, I've checked to make sure and it's definitely not possible to plan a building on a flat clay tile on deed. There are no other obstacles such as walls, houses or fences and planning on a slab tile next to the clay works fine. Illustration:

Maybe this is actually supposed to work and Multistory houses broke it?

Edited by Ingmar

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Destroying an infinite resource such as clay would lead to mass griefing, so would housing it all away, so -1 from me

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Yes please don't destroy a clay tile, there is only a finite source of the tiles, as Aether said it would indeed lead to mass griefing, and if not that then over time a few clay tiles might be taken away here, a few there, till there are very few left, which would be a bit ridiculous :/

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it should be possible actually... a neighbour of mine build a house in clay before the multi story update...

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Just a few clarifications:

  • This suggestion is about building houses on clay tiles, it is not about destroying clay tiles.
  • It's not currently possible to plan a building on a (flat) clay tile.
  • It apparently used to be possible to do this before multi-story houses came around, so maybe it's just a bug that currently prevents it.

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