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Pulley System & Rope Climbing

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I was thinking, at times it can be very difficult to climb steep areas, and especially haul supplies up. When you don't have logs on a rocky cliff, or your lumber supply is low, it's a difficult survival at times. A simple way to fix this would be to implement a pull system.

You'd anchor a rope with a pulley at the top where your settlement is, and lead the rope down below to a raft, box, net, or something similar. You'd load up your supplies down below, and pull it up at the top. This would work wonderfully with two people, and for especially heavy loads, you could use a horse or other powerful animal to pull the line.

If you started to run out of stamina while pulling a heavy load, you should be able to rest by tying the line up onto a hook, just like when you anchor a boat and wrap the rope in a figure 8. An addition to the pulley system would not only be up and down item movement, but you could use it to pull supplies from across valleys, or dips in a mountain, provided you had a long enough rope and the gap wasn't super wide, of course.

You could also use this concept and make rope climbing points. If you anchor a rope at the top of a mountain with a heavy spike, you can then rappel down, and hook in another spike, making a network of spikes allowing you to climb up and down a very steep surface, just like real life rock climbing.

Anyway, these are the basics of my ideas, small bits and pieces of them could be polished to better fit the game. As always though, thanks for reading.

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What would be the point of having high body stamina and climbing skill?, I think fence ladders are a poor work around but adding ways to take the climbing skill out of the equation seems to make it not worth the bother to have in the game at all.

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What would be the point of having high body stamina and climbing skill?, I think fence ladders are a poor work around but adding ways to take the climbing skill out of the equation seems to make it not worth the bother to have in the game at all.

If you climb, you can't do it with heavy loads, or if you climb, you do it while you're moving, this would make it so whilst at a settlement, you have a more permanent solution if you were willing to put in the time and effort. There's a clear distinction between the two...

EDIT: Also, when you have anchors in the side of a mountain like a spike, you can hang and regain your stamina if you are carrying a lot, just another point to show that there's a time and place for the ability to use ropes to climb, and non rope climbing.

Edited by Crierd

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