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Sounds Carry Too Far - Give Us More Control

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Right now, sounds from other players carry too far in Wurm. Unfortunately, we do not have enough control over the sounds we hear so that we end up having to just turn them all off to get any peace.

Emote sounds: These carry entirely too far. I had to turn off all emote sounds because of the fart-happy folks who planted a deed near mine. I should not be hearing every sound they make when they're standing 40 or more tiles away.

I would like to see a setting on the client of "X tiles" for how far these sounds carry. Since the client can calculate the distance, it's no extra server load. (And I'd really love to see a way to turn off emotes of anyone who isn't a Friend or isn't in my Alliance.)

Work Sounds: I hear work sounds from just about everyone in Local. It amazes me how far the simple sound of sawing can carry. However, just turning off work sounds is a pain because I use my own sounds to help monitor what I am working on and whether it's time to hit more actions when grinding. (Because like many, I watch movies or read while mindlessly grinding.)

We should have a way of turn off the work sounds of any other players but leave ours on. In addition, being able to limit the distance we hear work sounds and limiting sounds by Friends/Alliance would be a good addition.

Combat Sounds: These seem to carry further than any other sound in game. I can hear fighting when there's nobody else in Local. I can also tell you when every one of my neighbor's pigs died recently because I hear that horrid squealing all the way up at my deed.

Again, we need to be able to turn off combat sounds for other players, limit the distance we can hear combat sounds, and perhaps even be able to limit them to Friends/Alliance.

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Amen! Populated areas sound like the flatulence and fighting thunder dome all of the sudden.

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+1 I can hear people eating and doors opening and closing, even if those persons aren't even in my local anymore

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-1 No to all

Why ? It's a client side control on how far you hear others. As long as the max distance is fixed what's the down side. For epic/wild either nothing would change or you'd be gimping yourself.

+1 as long as max distance you can hear isn't changed.

Edited by belthize

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New items: Cotton ear plugs, leather ear plugs...

New use for farmer's salve: Treat ear infections :P

Have to admit I like hearing what's going on around me. Had a rough time when hell horses were crazy loud for a while though so I can understand where you're coming from.

Living in a flatulent thunder dome sounds absolutely horrid, so...

+1 to more control over our own soundscape.

Another thread mentioned the idea of an expanded social tab. Would it be possible to include an "ignore emotes" to particular targets(players) in there so that people in PvP don't have to reduce distances across the board, but can instead plug the origin of the flatulence? It would serve as sort of a /ignore command for another player's sounds, but still allowing them to get typed messages through.

With work and combat sounds, it seems like those shouldn't carry further than the 80 tile local, though I guess they would be louder than conversation.

Within that, include a checkmark to shut off those sounds originating from a source other than your actions, or maybe a slider for each type indicating the distance you think makes sense... as previously suggested.

I don't think any of these added options would have helped with the hell horses though... other ideas? Other types of sounds to consider? Anyone ever have any luck with the doppler thing?

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Simple matter of adding volume controls to seperate sound effect categories, many other games do this. Wurm these things already exist as seperated options for on/off, just replace the on/off with the volume control knob. Volume is associated with distance and if you turn it down low enough, you will still hear those near you but those further away fall under the ambient noise floor.

However there was another post already on this, and I think the issue is work sounds are using the distance code, whereas emotes are not. That should be a simple fix, but I also think the existing work sound relative levels need calibration so the default volume on the knob should set the default balance, it should not be blown to the max

They have your offensive words list for chat, maybe they also need to have your offensive emote list. Can we add chicken killers to the list because I find that offensive as well.

Edited by yarnevk

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