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Backpack On Torso Needs Functionality.

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Due to a visual addition to the backpack and satchel to our characters, there really is no functional need to actually wear it. Wearing a backpack on your torso actually encumbers you if there is enough weight on the backpack.

There really is no incentive to wear a backpack/satchel on your torso. What I suggest, is add a functionality to the backpack/satchel where it lowers the weight of items inside it by a small fraction, since you distribute the weight properly inside of it. Since there is no incentive to improve the backpack/satchel either as a container, that functionality could only be unlocked when the backpack/satchel are at 50 quality.

At 50 quality it would lower the weight of items inside it by a certain percentage, let's say 2 percent. For every 10 quality more that the container has, it would lower the weight of items inside it by another 1 or 2 percent.

This would ofcourse only apply if you are wearing the backpack on your torso as to not have countless backpacks in your inventory for lowering weight, and you can only wear one backpack on your torso aniway.

The encumberance in combat should only as well apply if a certain weight in the backpack has been exceeded. For example a accumulated weight of 10kg in your backpack, would give a attack speed and mobility penalty still, and higher weight numbers even more, so as to make it seem realistical.

This makes acessing the backpack a hassle as well, so it would be good storage for items that are not in use most of the time, or are already hotkeyed to your toolbelt.

TLDR version:

Make backpacks have a weight reduction over 50ql when equipped on the torso, but still give encumberance if a certain weight is exceeded.

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I'd really like to see the combat effects removed. It's silly for everyone to be carrying around their backpacks in some magical inventory that's neither in their hand or on their back just to avoid the penalty. Same goes for quivers.

I'd phrase the suggestion slightly differently. Rather than suggest backpacks magically lower the weight of items just say items in backpacks count less toward encumbrance. Effectively what you said, just phrased differently.

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Has anyone ever tested this backpack lower CR thing? Ive never once noticed any reduction whatsoever when wearing it, and the best part for me is that it keeps my inventory nice and organized.

But as a hardcore backpacker sure, make them more functional :D

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That would actually increase the leather market a bit :)

I also go for the lower stamina drain.... but how would that work in pvp?

Edited by whykillme

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