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Apologies, Muting, Bear Chase and Pie

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(NOTE: Comparable to the fog video me thinks in terms of entertainment :o)

2 videos up on the same day? Well, the mood is different now, me and Arzul both got muted and we DESERVED it period. We were imature who keep screaming: "KILL KILL" or "RUN RUN" in caps while not even glancing at the shout chat (we didn't realise we were still in shout chat -_- ") and i guess would be ignoring the objections of the other players online. We accept our punishment of being muted for however long it takes and apologize for being so sloppy and inmature.

Besides that, after a seriously exhausting day of study for upcoming exams, me and Arzul logged on for the best 30 minutes of our Wurm gametime, I don't know about what you guys think but I thought the architecture or design of that particular inn was ingenious and was pretty much awesome in our eyes. Pathetic noobs/newbs we are, running away from bears, spamming channel. However we included the names of the players that we ticked off (sorry again, we feel so bad -_-), the people who helped us kill a wolf (verbal tips and encouragements (?) ) and of course the owner of that kickass inn.

So yet again sorry, and enjoy the video :3

P.S.: Thank Panther (not mentioned in video) for saying something totally random and funny at the end of the video xD

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For a *silent* Traveler you sure seem to talk, post, and make videos a lot. Maybe you should get a name change  :D

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Heh, only funny bit in that was when he walked out the door of the inn off the cliff  :P

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This unfinished small stone wall is not without reason. It lasts for more then 3-4 months now, and still not decayed, when in meantime few finished small stone walls with low ql dissapeared. Then we keep it as curious thing and wait for decay counting months :)

BTW, there is guard tower in about 100 tiles north, so next time lure bear there :)

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Well the inn is not finished due to the wall needs to decay :/ when it will be finished it will be a bit different but yea some ppl did fall off there before :P

Yours, Agness.

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hahah xD And yes this small stone wall is strange - i  made it (but didn't finish), it was made a long time ago and it's still alive .... decay here is realy strange ...

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