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Guest Xhii

Keep on bugging me for a premium server?

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So, I spend all day trying to get my java to work,and I finaly get up Wurm. I typed in my user name and password, then it just said "You need to be preium to play on this server", so I thought "Maybe I didn't select the JK server?" so I created a new account and did just that. Home, JK server. Tried it again. No luck. I tried Wild JK server just to see if that'll work, but of course it didn't.

I really wanna play wurm, and possibly pay for it, but I wanna try it out first.


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What browser are you using? Firefox or IE, there is a niggling bug with the selection process in one of them that wont allow you to select JK home (MR Home and Wild are both prem only)

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Im currently using opera, although I never tried it on another browser. Should I try chrome or IE?

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I wonder how many times this happens and we never hear about it. I know it happens alot...

This should be a high priority fix.

There is this other game I play that recently opened a new server and as soon as it opened I started a character there... It was likely minutes after the sever opened and I was like the 4700th person on the server... I know it is completely different game, but it should be that easy for the non prems to come and see what they are missing. I have recommended this game to many other forums and see stuff like this alot.

I even saw this happen to someone in person and they were to frustrated to bother trying again, and would never bother posting about it.

I have not tried making an account for some time, but why not have the account making process work in a java format as a start so you know they have the needed java installed as a start. Then give a simplified account for non-prem that default starts on JK home. Then maybe offer within the java stater window a later option to go prem and have a convert and teleport feature that will teleport you and all you can carry to the area of choice (i.e. White light, Blacklight or starter towns). (note: as incentive the conversion should not be counted against your total conversion count and should be for those that have never been prem before)

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