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Guest Voldemort

What helps the success rate o small stone wall building?

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is it the QL of the hammer or QL of the rock?

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Skill. The other stuff mainly effects speed.

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The QL of the rock seems the have an effect as well, not sure about the hammer.

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The mallet or hammer ql only seems to influence the successrate and the skillgain. I always use a 1ql mallet at 83 Masonry to build walls, i get a lot more skill that way but i also fail about 1 in 10 attachment attempts but i get the same ql of the wall that i would get with a 60ql mallet.

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Ye only the masonry skill helps i think. But building with low q. rocks seems to be easier.

Last time i was tower building with a low skilled guy, i even noticed the difference between skill 1.0 and skill 5.0 looking at the success rate.

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Well thats fine and dandy and all, but do you realise that when you repair a wooden fence/gate wall you remove 40 damage, where as with any other wall you only repair it for 10 damage.  Now I've heard that wooden fences may decay as much as 4 times faster, although I doubt it.  If that really is the case, still remember that you can carry 100 planks in your cart but only 40 rockshards.  And that planks are lighter and easier to make.

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And that planks are lighter and easier to make.

Making planks requires three different steps while mining rock shards is just one step..

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And that planks are lighter and easier to make.

Making planks requires three different steps while mining rock shards is just one step..

Plus you fail a lot with planks..

Sadly I noobed myself by getting masonary to 30 and carp 5 LOL.  So i actually have to work on cap :(

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