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Bring back Huck!!!

Do you want Huck to be brought back to the forums?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want Huck to be brought back to the forums?

    • Yes, deffinately!
    • No way!
    • Bring who back?

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Huck L. Barry was permabanned from the forums from what I have heard and the reason was that he "stole" our avatars. Thats ridiculous, as I did not mind at all when he used mine, it was all in the spirit of good fun, he wasnt doing anything wrong at all! That was a very unfair ban, and it was a permaban too. So I start this petition to bring Huck back!

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if someone would steal my avatar I would be even happy... coz that would mean they like it ;d

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Oh, he had a 7 day ban before. Well, maybe he shouldn't have gotten that in the first place.

I don't know how big an offense that is and I don't see anything against it in the rules - but even if it did follow a ban I don't think it deserves a ban.

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if someone would steal my avatar I would be even happy... coz that would mean they like it ;d

Yes, exactly. I was happy to see my avatar put into his avatar because it meant that he recognised me.

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I thought his avatar was so funny i liked trying to guess who was in it.

Being permabanned over that seems so stupid.

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Don't know him at all..

Voted yes though, I am just not a fan of permabans.  ;)

Though, its questionable if this will have success. :P

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I've met him once, seemed liek a cool guy and is a real character on the forums...Bring huck back!

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there's no rule against it lol

The reason why he was permabanned is because he not long had a 7 day ban, a permaban follows after a 7 day ban apparantly, no matter what the offence is, which is ya, stupid.

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I was actually disappointed I didn't see my avatar in his. If he was banned for that, it's pretty dumb imo.

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hehe I was honored to have my avatar in it! So if thats the reason I would be unreservedly against this permaforumban. However, id like to think there was more to it than that... Dont disappoint me!

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Using other people's avatars is serious business folks.

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ya huck shud hav asked dem all cuz he was harasin da other players nd stuff

playr harasin = NON O NO OOOO!!!!!!!

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As a side note,

I think a large share of ppl in general grab a nice pic or gif they think is looking neat... Without much thought where it's from, and never mind asking if they could use it as a forum avatar in the first place.

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An avatar is just an avatar.  How can people become so ornery over somebody else just copying their avatar?

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My avatar is from some dudes art when you search for flyingmonkey on google.

Screw getting permission.

I don't see whats wrong with someone taking an avatar unless the original person starts to whine about it.

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If it was really just over the avatar, that was pretty lame. Mine was in it, and I just thought it was funny.

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Just realised something; three different people have had the avatar with the rabbit running around with a gun and fighting a horde of arrows. Why havent any of them been banned? Have they been warned of being banned?

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If that is in fact the reason he was banned from the forum, whoever did it is many words that would be rightfully censored.

Truly, one of the most sickeningly pathetic ban reasons I've ever heard of.

I am more deserving of a ban for this single post than he was for taking avatars, if that was the reason.

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Welcome to wurm's legal system. Where every mod can do what ever he wants, and when you go complain to another mod they will say "if he found that treatment was nessesary, then it was".

So yeah, unban him. Perma banned for avatar stealing, pff. Although I think he is a first class idiot.

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There's the forum Nazis at work. Really, stealing an avatar? Out of all of those, how many were the original work of the user, and out of those, how many were upset? This is really starting to get old. Why don't you ban me because I took my name from a video game. Or ban anyone who uses a smiley emoticon because that is the mascot and trademark of Wal-Mart? Whichever FM did this is really pathetic.

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Do not impersonate another member.

Do not use inappropriate avatars depicting nudity, drug use, profanity, sex, or other inappropriate behavior.

Abuse of any kind against GM / FM / CM or players are not acceptable

GM and FM have the right to edit,delete, move any post or thread,issue warnings or bans as they see necessary to enforce these rules.  

Following is a guide only as GM / FM have the authority to skip any or all of the penalty ladder.

Punishments as follows:

1 warning

7 day ban ( review for permaban )

permaban ( requires review )

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Do not impersonate another member.

Do not use inappropriate avatars depicting nudity, drug use, profanity, sex, or other inappropriate behavior.

Abuse of any kind against GM / FM / CM or players are not acceptable

GM and FM have the right to edit,delete, move any post or thread,issue warnings or bans as they see necessary to enforce these rules.  

Following is a guide only as GM / FM have the authority to skip any or all of the penalty ladder.

Punishments as follows:

1 warning

7 day ban ( review for permaban )

permaban ( requires review )

So, according to this a GM/FM have the ability to see one extremely minute and minor offence and then skip all the preliminary warnings and go straight to permaban. Is that even fair?

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