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(A suggestion) Getting rid of "activate:"

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For everyone complaining about how it will affect PvP, my initial post outlined a solution that would mean the current PvP, weapon/armour system would stay in place, you would equip items as usual, but items would be "auto-activated" for you. This means no fast changing of weapons/armour, a simpler concept to grasp in terms of crafting tasks and the activation system changed.

I would like to see more constructive criticism and different ideas of systems that would work rather than everybody just shooting down Zcul's initial idea.

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I think first it'd be better to get stacks of items usable on the toolbelt, IE drag the head of 10 bricks onto a slot and it goes to the next one when used

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Sorry I absolutely do not like this idea, Having to place items in the hands in order for them to be activated. Its easier explaining to newbs what you double click in inventory is activated. Putting the item in your hand is way too much messing around, thus making the game even more time consuming.

so a -1 from me

What would help are things that make the game less time consuming.

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Sorry I absolutely do not like this idea, Having to place items in the hands in order for them to be activated. Its easier explaining to newbs what you double click in inventory is activated. Putting the item in your hand is way too much messing around, thus making the game even more time consuming.

so a -1 from me

What would help are things that make the game less time consuming.


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For everyone complaining about how it will affect PvP, my initial post outlined a solution that would mean the current PvP, weapon/armour system would stay in place, you would equip items as usual, but items would be "auto-activated" for you. This means no fast changing of weapons/armour, a simpler concept to grasp in terms of crafting tasks and the activation system changed.

I would like to see more constructive criticism and different ideas of systems that would work rather than everybody just shooting down Zcul's initial idea.

It ain't broke. Don't fix it. That's about as constructive as you can get.

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No need to over-complicate things, please. A delay in switching weapons would be annoying, especially for crafting. I feel that this change would only lead to a more complicated and less user-friendly GUI.


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i think it works fine as is...

as it goes at the moment, i have all my leatherworking tools on my toolbelt, numbers 1-5 to activate them, then i have a keybind for improve and for repair... works fine at the moment i dont see any reason to fix what isnt broken

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I do not like an item having to be in my hand to work with it.  If I am outside farming with a rake active, I still have my sword in my hand.  The spider that sneaks up through my fields will die to the sword.  I do not think the rake is going to do much damage. 

Yes, I know you think that it will not take much to change it.  But without having a paper doll to drag things to I do not see how it can be easy to drag it to my hand.  I generally have so much stuff (read I never know what I need so I have it all on me) that getting things from the top to the bottom to the middle can be a nightmare.

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Personally, I can't stand to double click especially after a change sometime ago made it so it doesn't always work ( and that's not just my end I know other people share the issue ) so because of this I have activate bound to my spacebar and never double click anything so would seem like an awful lot of drag and drop to my hands and I don't want to always have my body menu open  :-\

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Without a click to equip in right hand it would be a click and dragfest, and a click to equip if added is different from clicking to activate?

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Zcul don't listen to some of those raging simpletons, the basic idea is good.

The activation system is all over the place and makes no sense at times, an overhaul is needed.

It's weird that you hold a sword, haul out and hit the anvil with a hammer... huh?

Also I never quite understood why you have to activate a hammer to add a plank to a wall, but have to activate the plank to attach it to a ship.

However I wouldn't get rid of the activation system itself, as that would only create more confusion. Imagin you activate something and it suddenly vanishes from your inventory. Also a lot of actions would be weird to do that way, crafting things together, or as you said holding liquid.

I would do it this way:

Activating a weapon or a tool moves it to the hand, ashield to the arm, an armor part to the corresponding body part.

Then you activate an item to add it to the construction. Adding requires that you hold the appropriate tool in hand

That way you have a way to define both items, material and tool for an action. And it would make more sense as a whole, actually using a hammer(not your fists) to bend that iron lump iinto the shape of a sword.

It would also be an amazing improvement to crafting as you could use woa/coc hammer to nail those pegs into the ship. (really annoying bulk action otherwise)

(And don't listen to the berserkers ragin, it would have an extremely minimal effect on pvp, you can switch weapons in the middle of a fight anyway it's a single mouse drag, plus it would actually have the chance that your enemy has no weapon ready when you attack them.

Also PvP-guys, stop complaining that every single change would be unfair or destroy PvP, because the enemy could now do this and that. You could do the exact same thing afterall.)

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I am noticing a little thing here that may help.  Everyone keeps using the word activate, when we are really talking about 2 different actions, activating and ARMING.  What if you add a new command to the right-click menu to ARM a weapon or armor piece, it goes to the body part, activate still works as before.  Then work out those oddities with crafting using activated items and this could be ok.

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Yeah that were the words I was looking for, keep activating similar to what it is, but add arming/equipping.

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Quite a few games I've played over the years do not make you " equip " a bow or ranged item to use it, I understand the reasoning behind the changes for the most part and aplaud the hard work of the current dev team but see no reason to strive for realism, if that is the intent in ever aspect of the game.

Most games allow you to craft as long as the item is in your inventory, again to cut down on swapping things in and out, Wurm has used the basic equip weapons and armor for fighting and using activate to shoose what you wish to use, I believe the reason for activating is to choose from tools with differing ql and casts unlike games where you have just a hammer for example.

Not to shoot down the entire idea, but allow fast swapping for weapons and armor using the bind key option or a paper doll model would be fine, but the current method makes sence to me to select from multiple tools in my inventory to decide what to use vrs doing what is essentionaly the same thing minus putting the tool in my hand, the " equip your gear once and forget it " is actually nice with all the other constant clicking going on in the game.

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-Why not have a separate body window with an out line of a body with square blocks at head feet arms legs hands and torso. That way you can drag and drop armor tools and weapons onto your body to equip.

-You would also need 2 boxes at the bottom of the body window so you would have a place to drag and drop your tool belt and back pack to equip them and have access your backpack items.

-Than have the different body parts show damage so we know where to apply a bandage or hc like we do now.

-Make it were when you build an item you need to have a tool equiped 1st instead of having some items needing tools and others not needing tools to make.

-Need to use a liquid drag the drop onto your hand from the container that is in inventory.

-For seeds they are stacked in our inventory already just drag and drop the stack onto your hand to use them.

-Need to use your hand have a hand icon we can click on to use use your hand.

-Tools belts would work as a quick change for tools weapons and liquids.

Just some postive feed back to help wurm grow and change in a postive way.

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While at first I thought this would be a good idea, I've changed my mind.  Equipping something in my

Zcul don't listen to some of those raging simpletons, the basic idea is good.

The activation system is all over the place and makes no sense at times, an overhaul is needed.

It's weird that you hold a sword, haul out and hit the anvil with a hammer... huh?

Also I never quite understood why you have to activate a hammer to add a plank to a wall, but have to activate the plank to attach it to a ship.

However I wouldn't get rid of the activation system itself, as that would only create more confusion. Imagin you activate something and it suddenly vanishes from your inventory. Also a lot of actions would be weird to do that way, crafting things together, or as you said holding liquid.

I would do it this way:

Activating a weapon or a tool moves it to the hand, ashield to the arm, an armor part to the corresponding body part.

Then you activate an item to add it to the construction. Adding requires that you hold the appropriate tool in hand

That way you have a way to define both items, material and tool for an action. And it would make more sense as a whole, actually using a hammer(not your fists) to bend that iron lump iinto the shape of a sword.

It would also be an amazing improvement to crafting as you could use woa/coc hammer to nail those pegs into the ship. (really annoying bulk action otherwise)

(And don't listen to the berserkers ragin, it would have an extremely minimal effect on pvp, you can switch weapons in the middle of a fight anyway it's a single mouse drag, plus it would actually have the chance that your enemy has no weapon ready when you attack them.

Also PvP-guys, stop complaining that every single change would be unfair or destroy PvP, because the enemy could now do this and that. You could do the exact same thing afterall.)

Word for word, I agree with this.

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One thing for sure if you start messing with major game mechanics like this you need to use caution. I'm all for something that makes the game flow better but don't make it more complex because it's realistic. Everyone here is use to the system we have and people hate change in general so just keep that in mind if your going to change things.

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Have to say this is a terrible idea. With a toolbelt all we have to do now is a single click on any item on the toolbelt to be able to use (activate) it. Even without a toolbelt it is quite simple to just double click an item to have it "active" for use. No way I want to be having to continually drag items to my right hand to be able to use them. It is actually an additional action required even with a keybind made to in effect drag the item to ones right hand to do this. For years newbies have had to learn the very basic concept of "activating" an item to use it in Wurm, once they get the concept down it requires no additional explanation nor a burden to do so.


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This is the most horrible idea ever.

Who is interested in changing items from the inventory to the hand??

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No, Any form of binding stuff to right hand as active will make people able to switch weapons instantly. We don't want people switching weapons instantly. This would totally require a pvp revamp of having a set timer to requip items or delay on equiping items.

This idea imo, is a terrible one for PVP'ers. All would happen is people could switch from bow to shield and sword or w/e there weapon is of choice. This idea would only suit one group of people


I and many others started this game with No tutorial, Only a wiki to guide with and others to ask.

If these newbies can't learn how to use the activation system with a tutorial then there is something wrong with the tutorial.

Stopped reading after this post.

I can't believe I'm saying this.......


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Don't fix something that isn't broken, change the tutorial to be more clear.

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Don't fix something that isn't broken, change the tutorial to be more clear.

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Actually it is broken, maybe not entirely in the way ZCul said, but it is broken.

That you can adjust to it and use it doesn't change that it is broken.

Just for reminder:

You need a mallet to build house and fence, but the tables, carts and barrels you nail together with your bare hands.

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