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Remove the rock texture in the GUI, Or make it optional

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I dont know about others, But the rocky texture in the GUI hurts my eyes terribly, Putting gui_opacity down does not help and if anything it makes it worse, The only times its bearable for me is if i crank my gamma/brightness down and if i do that i cant see jack. Or if i am in a mine then i can set opacity to 0 and its fine because the mine is pitch black.

Can we please make the rocky texture optional, Just a plain blue color or something with no opacity would be great. If a texture is needed for whatever reason at least make it easier on the eyes please.

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Hehe I know what you mean. When I'm smithing, I position myself inside the forge, and stare straight up into that black square on the forge so my eyes don't bleed.

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Hehe I know what you mean. When I'm smithing, I position myself inside the forge, and stare straight up into that black square on the forge so my eyes don't bleed.


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It's a picture in the wiki somewhere from the beta client, I think its some astrology thing (which is why the stars are like time-lapsed)

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This would be wonderful, and would take all of 15 seconds for one of the client devs to do.

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I'm not too big on the marble texture either. I'd much prefer it to be a solid color.

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Hehe I know what you mean. When I'm smithing, I position myself inside the forge, and stare straight up into that black square on the forge so my eyes don't bleed.

Holy cow, i'll have to do this from now on.

Forges inside a stone house, wooden floorboards, lit really does annoy my eyes, i usually look down on the stone section of the forge which sticks out, i'll have to try this one when i next smith :D

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