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Yeah the hounds are agro if you look at the picture it's name is in red I never encountered it so I have no idea of the power or strength but it seems as if it were strong also I have noticed I encounter then more during night in the woods so if that bit of info is of any help!

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Helldogs are a bit stronger than lavaspider, comparable to lava fiend, but they have poor armour, maybe like huge spider or black bear

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I found that hell hound don't go to water tiles, even while attacking.



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Hellhounds are fairly easy, was gunna try charm but didnt have the favor at the time :/ will try next time i find one :P

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Player-bred hell horses do have a name and traits, like regular horses

Hell Horses cannot be bred to regular horses

Players can lead and breed horses without taming, however they apparently can aggro while being led, according to reports

Hell Horses must be tamed/charmed before they can be CARED for. We don;t yet know whether they have normal lifespans.

According to Wulfgar, you can ride them untamed ( requires very high 31 BC) but you often take damage, not sure if this would occur when they are tamed.

They appear blue outline to my Fo, but red outline to my alt, however they do not immediately attack her so their aggression level is apparently very low

When provoked, however, they can do considerable Burn damage. Feisty!

I have not yet tested putting horse shoes on them to see if they can wear horse tack gear

Taming/charms have a very short duration, maybe 2-6 hours, regardless if the resulting loyalty is high

Without traits, they are apprently about 5kh faster than a normal wild horse. So maybe 40+ kh horses down the road ... for the elite few who can handle them...

They will certainly be out of range for the bulk of players, both because of rarity/diffiulty of taming, and the very high BC req (higher than dragons??)

My "first gen" hell horse had only two traits, Fleeter-Keen (I have 61.34 Animal Husbandry), I may have had a very unlucky RNG roll (I forget my usual with two wild horses, seems like 2-4 is common with wilds)  so it will be several generations before we have any "speed horses from hell"

*** I forgot to confirm, and not 100% sure from my picture, but I think they skip the foal stage. You can see a normal foal in background which is shorter than the fence; young horses are slightly taller than a fence.

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Guards do aggro horse. Villager brought me one back while I was offline. They charmed it went offline. I was mossying around the village, hrose de-charmed came back on line and next thing I know templar was on it. Never even got the chance to see it =(

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Spirit Templars do aggro on hell horses.

Hell horses can be ridden without taming/charming but it instantly aggros.

Hell horses can be led without taming/charming but will aggro on player leading them

Hell horses do an AoE fire spell like the mag spell for decent damage

Hell horses can be bred without taming/charming

Hell horses cannot be dominated

Upon taming attempt the hell horse will aggro as soon as the taming action timer starts

Hell horses will not aggro unless provoked ie lead, mounted, tamed, etc

My young hell horse destroyed my pet aged unicorn so they will aggro on pets without being provoked.  Hell horse was only at "healthy" when the unicorn died.

That's all I can think of.  Some old news, some new.  But there ya go.

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Congrats Brash! Now I've GOT to have a female to go with my male. Offering a finders fee to anyone that can point me to one on Indy!!!  8)

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Do these hell horses count against the aggro population, or the non-aggro population?

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Do these hell horses count against the aggro population, or the non-aggro population?

I would assume aggro since they aggro templars..

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My young hell horse destroyed my pet aged unicorn so they will aggro on pets without being provoked.  Hell horse was only at "healthy" when the unicorn died.

I think you got this mixed up. Tamed animals are aggressive towards wild aggressive mobs (which is why your pets will enter combat with something even if they're never targetted, i.e. you're the one tanking).

Do they really not aggress from mere proximity? This seems very unusual for an aggressive-categorized animal. Only "scared" mobs come to mind, who you can often dance around on for a short while before they bother attacking, or so I've seen.

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Wildcats are classed as agros but you can stand on their head and often they wont attack you.

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Slight update on hell horse aggressiveness.  I can stand next to my young for any length of time and not get aggro'd but as soon as I get close to my ado it aggro's

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