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"grass" mine door

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4 planks

4 shafts

1 square piece of cloth at least 2kg

1 dirt

1 flower sprout

1 Large (or small) Nails

And uses Nature Skills to create / attach, and it should NOT be improvable.

Sole purpose of such a minedoor would be to provide for concealment, not strength. Should be VERY easy to destroy - similar to wooden houses compared to stone houses.  And of course it looks like a grass tile.

*edit2 ... added nature skills

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It sounds like Wurm may soon have its very own brand of guerilla warfare with this idea, people stealthing about in little hiding holes. This idea + already existing stone mine doors = stealth base anywhere. Red likes this idea very much, +1

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i would think that you would have to replace the actual grass everytime you opened the door.  meaning you could hide it if you werent in the cave, but you cant hide it are using it.

IE you open the door and the dirt/grass falls off.  you go in the cave and shut the door. (planks are visable)

When you leave the cave you activate a flower and add to door to camouflage it.

Otherwise the tile should Blend but not be 100% like a real grass tile/flower tile.  Maybe some bits of plank showing through that can only be seen within a few meters.

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Sounds sweet, with some secret underground bases  ;D

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Combine it with drop shafts and you have an awesome town defense. I don't think you should have to reset it every time perhaps just make it take a large amount of skill?

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I vote let's make Nature Skill useful by using this. +1

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

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-1 for any mine doors unless they're amazingly easy to destroy (or can be destroyed by catapults)

So, +1

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hm.. or make then not mine door but:

active shovel: right click tile start stealth hole , then add to it this door and you have stealth hole as you said ;d

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i like the idea about it using the overall 'nature' skill. It also should NOT be improvable imo.

I'm thinking about a cover / mine door for concealment. Since it would be a grass tile it would be extremely hard to spot, but because of this it should be very easily destroyable... say a few hits from anything.

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

would be to easy to grienf when someone plants a tree and the owner can't get in.

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

would be to easy to grienf when someone plants a tree and the owner can't get in.

who said you will be able to plant it there ;P

when you try to plank something on wood covered with dirt, you would notice something under grass..

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

who said you will be able to plant it there ;P

when you try to plank something on wood covered with dirt, you would notice something under grass..

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

who said you will be able to plant it there ;P

when you try to plank something on wood covered with dirt, you would notice something under grass..

Wurm Logic!

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I like this idea, Blacklighters should get the option to make a mencylium (sp) tile.

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

who said you will be able to plant it there ;P

when you try to plank something on wood covered with dirt, you would notice something under grass..

Wurm Logic!

No, wurm logic would make it so when there is a tree planted there the three would magically become the mine enterance and you enter the mine through the bark of the tree.

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Would mycelium grow over the grass/flowers in the right conditions?  Otherwise, it'd stick out like dogs' bits on a cat in HoTS territory.

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Would mycelium grow over the grass/flowers in the right conditions?  Otherwise, it'd stick out like dogs' bits on a cat in HoTS territory.

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Maybe would be better to just make wooden doors be allowed to have a dirt added to them, then they can add like a 'normal' dirt tile (can grow a tree, or flowers etc)

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