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Starter Deeds on Epic.

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I know these are just starter deeds and no one actually lives there, but for a new player to see them I think they look like real garbage.  The majority I have seen are a huge eyesores that are built on uneven slopes and trees.  They each contain 2 empty houses, while the traders and bartenders are still outside in the open.  Understandably these server for protection from raiders, but more time should of been taken out to actually terraform and create a decent looking village and not just slapped up tall stone walls all around. 

Imagine being a new player, going through this nice clean tutorial with terraformed slopes and fences, and then you join the server to see a wobbly unpaved deed walled in by tall stone walls.  It looks pretty bad.  Take a look at The Shroud on Chaos/Wild, it's beautiful.  It has housing, traders are in houses, public mailbox, merchants, it's very nice because people (players) and Eir put a LOT of time into it. 

I don't mind the player deeds being walled in for protection from raiders, but I think someone just rushed tall stone walls and then left.  I'd rather not have the one at all on HotS-Elevation than to have what it is now. 

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Yeah,  I ran an alt (was temporary and is now gone not a spy etc etc) through the JK one the other day and it looked much like it did on day one plus more stupid olives.  There aren't even any walls, just a portal, guards trader and drink dispenser in a bunch of olives.

It's a catch-22,  right now they serve as an immutable/unraidable spawn point.  I imagine if JK or MR or BL for that matter did heavy terraforming so it looked nice the next step would be to defend it at which point folks would complain that they had an unassailable fall back position.

But +1 anyway,  they really do look pretty horrid and gives a bad impression to new players.

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Is it possible to become a village member of a starter deed? Does someone hold the settlement form?

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Agreed. IMHO the best starting deeds in wurm are gold coast and new dawn on GV

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Is it possible to become a village member of a starter deed? Does someone hold the settlement form?

GMs were created to hold the deeds iirc. Rolf terraformed the JK starter deed anyway.

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Yeah, I'm not sure what's worse, the slapped down quick-fix walls around the MRH starter deed, or the 500 slope chasm just south of that.  I've noticed quite a few new players complain about starting area, it's not exactly the best entrance to the game.  I can't say much for the shanty towns around the starter town as that's noob-player made, but the starter town itself and the multiple chasms?  Seriously...

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The Landing on Chaos has had a ton of work done on it, personally I think it looks amazing.

I hated the idea of wilderness and hills rather than a safe, civilized area where you get ready to start of your adventure.

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I would support this with time and effort of my own. Would be nice if it all just got magically done though ;)

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All we need to be able to do is ally like we could on wild, then we can terraform it nice.

Someone should ask rolf to ally each kingdom with its capital.

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Weeell I've always considered it your job to build the fancy shmancy impressive towns and that the starter deeds should be pretty rudimentary outposts. But most of you seem to think that the feeling of safety and civilization adds more so I'll bring it up with the deed holders.

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Weeell I've always considered it your job to build the fancy shmancy impressive towns and that the starter deeds should be pretty rudimentary outposts. But most of you seem to think that the feeling of safety and civilization adds more so I'll bring it up with the deed holders.


The fancy impressive towns will come as long as newbies stay within Wurm. Most of the newbies stay around the starter deed anyway and will not see other towns so wont get impressed.

* Having a fancy starter deed will help improve the first impressions of the game as stated by Postes;

* It will add to the richness of the kingdoms and act as a center of activity as it now already does;

* For new players it will also act as an example of what you can build/ achieve in Wurm, it will simply display the complete crafting possibilities;

* It could possibly counter shanty towns as people use the deed longer as refuge/ home and when they will settle do it further from the startersdeed;

* Deeds/ towns on Epic are very newby unfriendly given the risks it may bring with them of theft etc so chances of newbies seeing awesome decorated deeds in their first days are pretty slim.

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On the issue of starter deeds,  is there anyway PMKs can be allowed to have an unraidable starter deed similar to the template kingdoms.  Before people go up in flames let me describe the problem and what I'd suggest.

The main problem is an inability to effectively recruit and spy prevention.

For JK/MR/BL new recruits spawn at the kingdom spawn.  As has been pointed out they're ugly and dysfunctional but at least folks can enter Epic at the kingdom.  They also serve as a necessary death spawn point for kingdom members who are currently sans village.  The game engine has to be able to put them somewhere if there's no valid village.  For template kingdoms this is that spawn point, for PMKs it's the capital.

Having a separate deed also allows JK/MR/BL a bit of spy culling since the real villages are outside the local of the kingdom spawn and since you can't remove a person from kingdom (this is true for PMKs btw) you can at least send them back to the spawn by killing them.

For PMKs we have to tell people to spawn at JK/MR/BL and run over.  Rolf did make it so a portal can be placed in the capital where anybody from Freedom/Chaos can portal into the kingdom but that's a decidedly unattractive option where spies are concerned.  It means that anybody without any say from us can spawn at our capital and there's nothing we can do about it.  If you kill them they just respawn there (capital is default spawn point) whether they're a member of the capital or not and, as I said, PMK's can't remove people from the kingdom.

What I'd propose is the ability for a kingdom to do a one time immutable designation of a village as a spawn point with a portal.  It would become the default spawn point if a PMK member wasn't a member of a village (ie spy).  The token wouldn't be drainable but would require upkeep.  It'd be nice if buildings/walls could be placed but I'd be down with no construction.  It's not intended as a defensible deed, just a place to spawn much like the template kingdoms.  I'd be cool with any rules that allowed us to make it look nice but not a safe haven, for instance locks on gates/houses wouldn't work.  That requires coding so it might be simpler to say no building, sucks but I'm ok with that, we can still make it look semi decent.

I'm not 100% sure how PMK removal works now,  I know what's been stated but I don't know what reality is (they frequently differ).  I've assumed if the last PMK village is disbanded the PMK ceases to exist.  If that's the case then this special deed would not enter into the calculation.

It has no bearing on a PMK being the only kind of destructible kingdom, it just helps a bit with recruitment which is currently a very cumbersome deal.  This is not a hypothetical problem btw, we've been struggling with it since launch. 

If this is not an option then can we at least have the option to remove people from the kingdom.  Just make them revert to the template kingdom the PMK was based on and we'll use the portal to capital option.

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Weeell I've always considered it your job to build the fancy shmancy impressive towns and that the starter deeds should be pretty rudimentary outposts. But most of you seem to think that the feeling of safety and civilization adds more so I'll bring it up with the deed holders.

Yes please we only need our capital village allied and permissions set so we can build and terraform. Can you maybe list the deedholders and the respective mayors of the capitals can do a dev and get allied?

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Weeell I've always considered it your job to build the fancy shmancy impressive towns and that the starter deeds should be pretty rudimentary outposts. But most of you seem to think that the feeling of safety and civilization adds more so I'll bring it up with the deed holders.

I agree, and I think player made deeds will always look better.  But even now the starter deeds don't even resemble outposts, they resemble a junkyard. 

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I am currently working on prettyficating Flamma. It is a work in progress so please bear with me. The current protections were put up as a fast fix, but rest assured I am working on a more pleasing to the eye version ;)

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Somewhat agree. The starter deeds should only be made flat without death-pits in them, otherwise keep them the same as they are, it would go against what wurm stood for if GMs started creating stuff, it SHOULD be up to the players to make the deeds look pretty, not magic wonds. If they look like junkyards then the respective citizens of said kingdom's startertown should tidy them up!

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Please dont be mistaken thinking I am just creating items out of nowhere, they are being made in the exact same way as any other player makes them. If you're over by Flamma and want to drop by when Im slaving away there, feel free to say Hello. Oh and bring some nails, Im running low ;)

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I saw you there today!

Anything we can do about the death-pit of a fault line we have? Its close to impossible to get out.

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As it is Strong Box is just that... a strong square box of tall stone walls with two random empty buildings in it and a trader and bartender standing around outside of the buildings stupidly. a nicely made and pleasent as well as functional and senseable starting spawn point could maybe then actually serve as the natural center of gravity for the server. As it is now it's more useless then any random tile of open land with no services or perks or value to server wide social or community efforts

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I agree that the starter deeds are in very poor shape, with crude design, sloped uneven roads and no proper building layouts. This goes not just for Epic either, as Green Dog really has no buildings at all and the west road along the lake that I made has never even been properly connected, as I have no ability to build on the final tiles in the water that are within the village deed tiles.

New Dawn on GV and even Glitterdale are architectural wonders in comparison to these haphazard messes that exhibit little interest in making a good impression upon the new players that spawn in these so called starter villages.

If the holders of those deeds have not the time nor interest in improving them, I am sure that there are other capable builders that would enjoy spending some of their time to turn these starter villages into something along the lines of their own village layouts and estetics. Just set up some post to recruit a few local area builders, interview them and then give them the proper building rights to start the work. But of course this will never happen.....


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Please dont be mistaken thinking I am just creating items out of nowhere, they are being made in the exact same way as any other player makes them. If you're over by Flamma and want to drop by when Im slaving away there, feel free to say Hello. Oh and bring some nails, Im running low ;)

Pomona is doing a great job!!!!! If like your job aka the kingdom of MR feel free to join whosvile on another character we could sure use a lady's touch lol.

Seriously thanks for the time and effort  :)

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all starter deeds should be a big boxed in castle with high ql tall stone walls, and allow anyone to build in it

if anyone could ever raid it, much loot fer you

elevation as an exception anyways, im talking home servs

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As it is Strong Box is just that... a strong square box of tall stone walls with two random empty buildings in it and a trader and bartender standing around outside of the buildings stupidly. a nicely made and pleasent as well as functional and senseable starting spawn point could maybe then actually serve as the natural center of gravity for the server. As it is now it's more useless then any random tile of open land with no services or perks or value to server wide social or community efforts

Well you guys DO like to run on it to try to get away for us ;P

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