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The United Kingdom

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why create more lines on the map, Britain is small enough as it is

and britain flag is way better than scotland

screw the past, focus on future and future says united country is way better than 2 divided countries

also scotland is a pathetic country and youd fall apart so just give it up

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also scotland is a pathetic country and youd fall apart so just give it up

I'd think such statements only make their wish to be independent stronger...

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Also those type of statements are not constructive at all.

Like, it would even have been better if you included "because..." and showed some good evidence for why you feel that way.

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I just don't get the difference dividing the United Kingdom up would make.

Currently in Scotland,

People in Scotland elect MPs to represent them.

If Scotland became a country, separate from the United Kingdom,

People in Scotland elect MPs to represent them.

There is very little change that would occur, some people would only be happy and feel validated if they themselves were an MP or dictator of their own lives, but people just have to accept their power is limited and direct democracy is almost completely impossible to do in this present day.

That plus the economic difficulties along with the weakening of Scotland as a world wide power if devolution would occur, makes devolution seem of little sense to me. Also this thread is now about cheese cakes, discuss.

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I think you're taking minor details too seriously. The Wikipedia article cited refers to the difference between country as subdivision of the United Kingdom and a country as a sovereign state. Just as one might refer to the west of your land as "the West Country", the country of Scotland is a country in a different sense. Scotland is a distinct area, but my main problem with its independence is that it forms a part of the Union that I see as my country, and is, while a proud nation, bound together in history and brotherhood with England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

It is sometimes considered insensitive to refer to Northern Ireland as a country, for your information. The majority of the population there refer to Northern Ireland as a collection of counties, a region, or a province, as they accept that it is simply the Unionist segment of Ireland.

People seem to be posting quite dismissive and offensive stuff here demeaning the Scottish culture. Rational and constructive opposition to Scottish independence is not based on a bigoted view of the nation, but in belief that Scotland is better off within the Union and as part of the British state that has existed for three hundred years. I don't see how citing descent from British nations bears a strong argument, but you need to consider that British nationalism is not a form of English imperialism, it is a belief in the unity of the British people and the desire to strive for common advancement and prosperity as a nation of nations. I strongly support Salmond's desire for greater powers for Scotland and near independence except for foreign affairs and defense for Scotland as part of a Federal Britain, one which balances the varying desires and wishes of the nations within the UK.

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The recent trend of  mud-slinging on the Wurm forums is quite disgusting.

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