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The Adventures of Surviverman in Wurm Online - Blog

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I thought some of you might be tempted to pick up the latest Surviverman journey if I posted a bit of it.  So here is episode 3 of Infiltrate and Recover.  See my link in this thread if you wish to read on.

Episode 3: Four Men and a Fat Pig

I woke with renewed vigor and determination to get as much accomplished on the boat as I could.  I knew that I needed pegs and I could craft those from shafts which would come from a single log.  I removed a log from the bulk storage bin and proceeded down to the water to begin constructing.  I took note of my food bar and thought that after 30 or 40 pegs had been attached I could do some more foraging for herbs, vegetables, and meat to make more casseroles.

Standing by the shore with the sounds of ducks, the wind, and the water ripples hitting the beach was very relaxing.  I whittled away on the log producing a shaft and then worked the shaft to produce the 10 pegs it would yield.  It was almost as if I had forgotten my mission and even myself midst the serenity of the morning.  While gazing contently on the lake and taking in all this beauty, my eyes instantly became aware of something on the horizon.  It was just a faint white spec at first, but then became larger until my eyes widened at the knowledge that a sailboat was headed right for me!

Instantly my survival skills kicked in and I watched 1...2...3...then 4 names popped up in local.  Just about the same time, a second boat  appeared to the left of the first.  I hurriedly sent personal tell messages to each person so that I could determine if they were friend or foe.  I knew that simply being able to communicate with them meant they were in my kingdom and therefore not raiders.

To my relief I was able to contact all of them and soon learned they were from a local village and had come to "my" village to dig clay.  Though the serenity of my morning had been disturbed, I was pleased to see others from ******* and welcomed them to shore.  After brief introductions, I returned to my efforts while they began digging the clay nearby.  I smiled as I watched them work, appreciating the friendships they obviously shared.  It was then that happened to glance over my left shoulder to see a champion black wolf stepping down the mountain as if it were a small hill.  He was a good distance off and with others around, I had no fear of the beast, at least none I was willing to share with the others.  I reasoned he would keep his distance as long as I stood still and worked on my boat - which he did.

When the two boats had been filled with clay, the four men boarded them and proceeded back from whence they came.  I waved and sent them on their way.  It was about that time that I noticed my food bar getting pretty low.  I did not want to fast again because my nutrition was improving from the casseroles I had been eating and I wanted to build my fat layers for the trip that would soon be upon me.  I decided to stop at 40 pegs and, dropping the log from my inventory, I headed towards an open field to begin foraging again.  As I worked the grass, collecting vegetables and herbs I noticed a rather frumpy and old pig standing several tiles ahead of me.  My mouth instantly watered.  I had not had some good ham in ages, I thought.  I stared at my crude sword and shield, both starter items, and thought poor pig didn't stand a chance.  I sneaked up behind him slowly, thinking about the spit I was going to make when I obtained his carcass.  I raised my blade and cast it down upon his back.  He grunted and turned to face me.  I wondered if my sword was even sharp!

I started swinging, poking, and slicing with all my might.  We exchanged blows for what seemed like a ridiculous amount of time!  Every pig squeal was immediately followed by a very unmanly ugh from me.  I was actually quite embarrassed by my performance.  Surely this pig is not going to kill me, I thought!  Well, I refused to let it.  I backed away and am ashamed to say I ran from him.  He did not give chase and I like to think it was because I bloodied him too much for him to do so.  But in reality, he wasn't bleeding nearly as much as I was.  I reached in my backpack and pulled some salve that I had made and began treating my bruises.  This is utterly ridiculous, I thought!  I was shaking so bad from the fight that the salve was getting smeared on as much good flesh as bad.  But eventually, I tended my wounds sufficiently to feel confidence again.  I gripped my sword, gave out a ferocious yell and ran to finish my foe.  It was about this time that he bit down on my right side and gave me a medium wound which stunned me.  On and on the battle went until finally he fell with a final resounding squeal.  I dropped to my knees and propped myself with my blade.

I was a bloody mess!  Down to 25 percent health and suffering from a medium wound, I asked myself how did all this happen?  My goals for the day did not including getting my backside torn off by a stupid, grumpy old, fat pig!  I glanced around to make sure nobody saw this ridiculous spectacle and was thankful that I was alone.  How embarrassing it would have been for the 4 men to have seen this fight!  I pulled my hatchet and began working on my dead foe.  All my effort produced only a single piece of meat - hardly worth it, I thought.

I needed to get back to foraging while my wounds healed, and it was at that moment I remembered the medium wound!  I checked my backpack for a healing cover I had remembered making several days earlier.  It was there, but I only had one!  Staring at a pathetic first aid skill and an equally pathetic attempt at a healing cover, I wondered if it would stick at all.  I applied it and hoped it would stop the blood running out of my side.  To my great wonder, it did!  All I could do was take it easy, stay out of trouble, and forage until my wounds healed.

Night came sooner than I had expected.  I returned to the cave and threw my sword down on the cave floor.  I wasn't sure I had the time or skill to craft a longsword, but I sure wasn't going to take that pop-sickle stick to battle again.  From now on, I thought, I would leave the killing to the guards.  I also made up my mind that Eyesgood and Theophilus really did not need to know about the pig fight.  After making and eating a few casseroles, I laid down for much needed rest.  Perhaps tomorrow would be a more profitable day!  I slept and dreamed of champion pigs.

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This is top notch reading!

I really enjoyed the first survivor adventure. It's a wonderful mix of tv survivor series, Wurm, and plain good story telling.

It also revealed some shortcommings of Wurm like:

- You can not light a forge without a steel and flint. They should work out the firemaking skill a bit more (fire drills, plows, birch bark)

- Looking for cotton can take forever and is the only source to craft a fishing rod. Whilst in real life you can make strings in various ways like weaving tree bark.

One little remark: I think you took it a bit easy on calling for help on securing the cave. A 1x1 shed isn't that hard to build and well, You'll just have to hope no one blocks your cave entrance.

Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see the end of this rescue mission.

Question: Why did adventure 1 end after 29 days?

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This is top notch reading!

I really enjoyed the first survivor adventure. It's a wonderful mix of tv survivor series, Wurm, and plain good story telling.

It also revealed some shortcommings of Wurm like:

- You can not light a forge without a steel and flint. They should work out the firemaking skill a bit more (fire drills, plows, birch bark)

- Looking for cotton can take forever and is the only source to craft a fishing rod. Whilst in real life you can make strings in various ways like weaving tree bark.

One little remark: I think you took it a bit easy on calling for help on securing the cave. A 1x1 shed isn't that hard to build and well, You'll just have to hope no one blocks your cave entrance.

Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see the end of this rescue mission.

Question: Why did adventure 1 end after 29 days?

Thanks for the compliments and the suggestions!  Adventure 1 was cut short by the move to Deliverance.  I was so excited to get moved over, find a place, settle in, and build that I just didn't have time to provide the ending it deserved.  Rather than giving a half-hearted effort, I just ended it.  My apologies for that! 

Also, in retrospect, I felt that if I took it much further it might become dry and I didn't want that.  There it sat for many months until this past weekend when I got some inspiration from a real need I had.  I wanted to move Eyesgood and Theo to the home server but felt it was too dangerous to try to build a boat.  So I thought, why not bring Surviverman over to Epic and create another adventure.  This one will be notably shorter than the first, but I think if I can reduce the length of adventures I might be able to write them more frequently.

Thanks for reading along!

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  Adventure 1 was cut short by the move to Deliverance.  I was so excited to get moved over, find a place, settle in, and build that I just didn't have time to provide the ending it deserved.  Rather than giving a half-hearted effort, I just ended it.  My apologies for that! 


  This one will be notably shorter than the first, but I think if I can reduce the length of adventures I might be able to write them more frequently.

No need for apologies :) I guess I was waiting to read for the character to return from it's mission (succeeding or not). Maybe you set too many objectives for that one. I think you're right if you keep the goals limited and the journeys short (maybe a week?)

Just read part 5 of adventure 2. Will Surviverman rescue his friends? Can't wait :)

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Surviverman completed his adventure, Infiltrate and Recover, last evening. Wow, what an amazing conclusion I have in store for you. Episode 8, On Foreign Shores has been posted.

Thanks to all who have followed along, especially many self-proclaimed Surviverman fans I have bumped into in the game!


Edited by Eyesgood

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Great ending Surviverman !

Looking forward to new adventures.

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Bahahaha, love the ending :) I'm just sorry I'd not been around in game while you were going through that, I have more mooring ropes and lead veins than I care to consider. Looking forwards to the next one :)

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Thanks, Zal. I am still gathering my thoughts on a theme for Surviverman's next adventure...

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Love Survivorman... and love Surviverman :)

I cant wait till your next adventure. Keep up the great work Eyes.

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Thanks Perryn. I look forward to pecking out the next adventure. Hopefully, some inspiration will arrive soon.

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I'm late to this and enjoying the read so far. It already has me longing for a similar experience of starting from nothing. ;)

I am now imagining a commune of such characters forging their way ahead in wurm only relying on what they can make/earn/trade. Although I am sure there are deeds like that already.

I'll admit like most I've bought some coin (wishing now I hadn't), mostly to buy a larger boat. I recently decided I will buy no more and make my own way in wurm by earning my coin. I do find it more fun and I am 29s up so far in a few weeks, so that's my deed taken care of for a while.

Anyway enough rambling, i'll look forward to the next installment. :)

Edited by yetian

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Yetian, Thanks for the comments. Surviverman's adventures are meant to inspire, entertain, and educate players. As you read on in the second adventure you will see that visiting the Wurm Shop is not a bad thing. I try to purchase coin when I can because I know that (a) it injects more into the economy, and (B) it directly supports the development of Wurm. It's great to try to become self-sufficient, but please don't feel like purchasing silver is a bad thing. :D

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It's more to do with the less I spend at the moment the better. ;) My aim is to have the deed pay for itself and anything I buy in game, subs are different.

If surviverman ever needs a temp bed I have a guesthouse on my deed (fippy's harbour west coast deli). ;)

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I noticed recently the page views on approaching 19,000!

Wow, I never dreamed the site would get so many page views. Thanks to all who have read and enjoyed the series!

Your enthusiasm has inspired me to introduce another Surviverman adventure titled, "A Chaotic Expedition."

Perhaps this will be Surviverman's most dangerous adventure yet.

Preparations are being made and I will post the first episode soon!

See you soon!

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Unbelievably entertaining to read.

Infact my priest just fasted twice despite having 85HFC and 50 meals, because I forgot to tab back to wurm, while reading. :)

This should be a 'MUST READ' for new players.

I look forward to more installments.

Many thank's for making the effort and keep up the good work. :)

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I hope you enjoy my third adventure, A Chaotic Expedition. The first 4 episodes have been published. What I have seen on Chaos is so amazing, I have started taking screenshots and posting some into Surviverman's adventure.


Edited by Eyesgood
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I just read your latest blog post, A Chaotic Expedition and I will say you have a very well composed and entertaining writing style. Quite enjoyable to read and presents the 3 brother interactions in a very realistic manner with their distinct personalities coming across to flesh out the storyline nicely.


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Sorry everyone. Real-life issues have caused me to park Surviverman for a little while. I'll launch him back out as soon as I can.

Edited by Eyesgood

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