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New Topic for New Players

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I read in another thread that someone was suggesting a new topic that all could contribute to so here is one.

Being a very new player on Freedom I have noticed that a lot of the information in the forums is geared toward long time Wurmians, or is it Wurmites, or just plain old Wurms. I would like to see a thread started, and this could be it, that contains some very basic information for new players. I know that most of this information is available on Wurmpedia but by the time I got through GV I had spent hours on the pedia and just wanted to get playing. An example of what I mean follows: How do I get the 5 silver from my acct. to my character? Once I have that monies what should I do with it to keep it accessible yet safe. I have figured this out so no need to respond to this question. In the same vein if I hadn't traded stuff on GV I wouldn't have had a clue how to use the trading window. Other issues, the maps, which one is which and most up to date? What are the locations where I can buy a deed? If I'm not ready to deed can I build a house without one and what are the possible repercussions? By the way, and this not a criticism just an observation, the Everything You Need to Know About Deeds page needs a walkthrough for new players. It might be simple for you old fogies but for us new players there is a lot of information there that is difficult to digest.

Also the question and answer thread is just too long and full of esoteric stuff for us new players so I'd like to see a New Player oriented Q & A thread. I would be willing to maintain these threads if people think it's a good idea and contribute. It'll give me something to do while I'm cutting planks and making mortar.

By the way I have thick skin and broad shoulders so don't be afraid to express yourselves.


A proud member of the Academy

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Hi there!

I thought I should answer some of the questions, I'll try to keep it moderately short:

- I am assuming that by the "5 silvers" you mean your referral. Your referral can only be transferred to another player (by typing /referral ingame and entering the name of the person you want to refer in the box that comes up) so many people sell their referals. The going price for them atm is 8-9 silver, since you can get one month premium instead of the 5 silver. You can, of course, find another player with a referral and make a trade with that person if you'd like to.

- The best way of keeping money safe is to open up a bank account at a settlement token. Then you simply put the money in. :) Note: You can withdraw money from any token you want, but you can only deposit it at the one you started your bank account at! Transferring a bank account to another token takes ~24 hours.

- The Freedom map isn't very up to date to be honest, but the FRAM (Freedom Accurate Mapping) project is still ongoing and probably the best to look at since it has detailed road info.

- Right at the starter town Samling is a public trader from which you can buy settlement forms. Many other villages have traders from which you can buy it, and even though their traders might not always be public I am sure most of them would be more than happy to help you get a form from them.

- Yes, you can build a house without a deed. A house is a safe place as long as its walls are standing, but as soon as one wall falls down everything inside is lootable. Other structures, such as fences, are never safe off-deed since they can be bashed.

An additional note:

Even if you plan to live on your own it is a good experience to join a village for a while to see how villages work and to maybe get a few skills up so you can support yourself after moving out of the deed.

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all what aeris just wrote is mostly  honest and true, dont hestitate to ask me ingame to sell your referal to, i might have the money for it laying around :D

many regards


Academy Elder

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Hi Aeris,

Thanks for your response. As regards the traders for the deeds specific settlement names would be great and either specific or general locations would also be appreciated. Having lost everything twice already I have to strongly agree with your suggestion about joining a community. As tempting as it is to head out and explore it can be a deadly, and thus fruitless and frustrating, endeavor.

Elwood, we'll talk about the referral when I see you. if you haven't already done so, can you check my pm on the BB.

Any questions out there, or information that anyone wants to post, I will attempt to organize into an easily accessible format. I would like to keep all topics Freedom specific in order to minimize confusion.

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and besides, your part of the  academy anyhow ;)

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If you're fairly new with low skills, exploring is simple -- drop all your stuff in a cart or chest on-deed, and head out with no valuables on at all.

That way, when you die, you don't even need to go look for your body.

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I met a lovely couple when they dropped by the Academy last night; new to Freedom and on their way to fame and fortune. I fed them, gave them a tour, warned them about the dangers lurking around every corner (Freedom is not like GV) and then invited them to join . I even offered to guard their cart while they toured the area. "Thanks, but we're going exploring.", they say. i warned them again of the dangers as I waved goodbye and wished them luck. Alas, I hear this morning that at least one of the two was slain in a vicious scorpion attack. Having had this happen to me, in remote locations with no hope of recovering my kit, my heart goes out to these poor souls.

Please, heed the warnings, join a village or at least build nearby one. I also suggest leaving the cart behind and traveling light (by joining a village you will gain access to better quality tools than you could ever bring with you), you need to be able to run and run fast. Another thing, when you are not on a main road or in a well populated area I suggest you travel the coast, and when I say the coast I mean within 1 or 2 tiles of the water, a little swimming is good for the soul.

They say a coward dies many times ..., not so in Wurm.


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I met a lovely couple when they dropped by the Academy last night; new to Freedom and on their way to fame and fortune. I fed them, gave them a tour, warned them about the dangers lurking around every corner (Freedom is not like GV) and then invited them to join . I even offered to guard their cart while they toured the area. "Thanks, but we're going exploring.", they say. i warned them again of the dangers as I waved goodbye and wished them luck. Alas, I hear this morning that at least one of the two was slain in a vicious scorpion attack. Having had this happen to me, in remote locations with no hope of recovering my kit, my heart goes out to these poor souls.

Please, heed the warnings, join a village or at least build nearby one. I also suggest leaving the cart behind and traveling light (by joining a village you will gain access to better quality tools than you could ever bring with you), you need to be able to run and run fast. Another thing, when you are not on a main road or in a well populated area I suggest you travel the coast, and when I say the coast I mean within 1 or 2 tiles of the water, a little swimming is good for the soul.

They say a coward dies many times ..., not so in Wurm.


That would be my sister and I :) Yes we were tempted to join right then, but understand we joined premium to build our own stuff and see the world. We covered a good portion of it that day and the next, died a few times, but it's all fine, live and learn. But on the new questions & answers type thing, the wiki is like you said very hard to search for what you want to know and all the while something is tugging on you to get back to imp'n. A short, concise Q&A would do the most good. Sorted in subtopics and as many yes/no Q&A's as possible. (i.e..  Can someone steal my stuff if it is in my house? No )

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(i.e..  Can someone steal my stuff if it is in my house? No )

That will be a no, inside a house, even off-deed, it's fine, as long as all the walls are standing and there is no way in but the door with a lock on it. Now, anything on a fence area, not recommended, until you deed.

On other things, I'm happy to hear that you like to explore, shoot me a tell in-game at Maximilus, Iorail, or Khalee, if anything. I could provide you with a stone house, in deed, that only you and your sister will have access, to keep your stuff save as you go explore, even some land around it to build at your leisure, think about it, no pressure. Just a safe place for you two, to live temporarily and to spawn back if you meet certain dead, which on this server, lurks on every corner, until you find the "right" spot.

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Glad to hear you're still enjoying yourselves. I do understand that desire to explore, I think that's why we all come to Prem. I agree a simple FAQ would be ,not only be helpful, but is a necessity. Seems that the Wurm philosophy of "if you want it then you better build it" applies. Ideally keep posting your questions here and maybe we can mine this thread into some kind of starter page.

Once again, Good Luck and Happy Trails!

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You guys that want a Q and A newbie page?  Make it!  It's a wiki.  Create the page.  Fill it with entries like:

Q: How do I get my referral?


Q: What villages are recruiting useless noobs?


Q: How do I find my body after a scorpion kills me?


Q: How does the trade window work?


And once you have a few of them, ask us to go answer.  We will.  Ands when you have more questions, keep it growing.  And answer questions yourself when you find the answer on kchat but you think it belongs in a newbie guide.

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I appreciate your sense of humour. i'm going to work on it while the server is down, lol.

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