Posted January 6 Overture Outlets 36 Merchants just 30 squares west of Overture portal on Melody with the cheapest stuff around. View of the outlets. Rapid spirit castles for ease of shipment. Spoiler Offerings on the Western Row 6 Merchants of 70+ CoC low QL tools for 10 Copper each 6 Merchants of 80+ CoC low QL tools for 20 Copper each 2 Merchants of 90+ CoC low QL tools for 40 Copper each 2 Merchants of 95+ CoC low QL tools for 80 Copper each 2 Merchants of 100+ CoC low QL tools for 1.6 Silver each Offerings on the Eastern Row 2 Merchants of 70+ BOTD low QL tools for 10 Copper each 2 Merchants of 80+ BOTD low QL tools for 20 Copper each 90+ BOTD low QL tools for 40 Copper each 95+ BOTD low QL tools for 80 Copper each 70+ BOTD / 70QL tools for 25 Copper each 80+ BOTD / 80QL tools for 80 Copper each 90+ BOTD / 90QL tools for 1.4 to 1.8 Silver each 100+ BOTD tools starting at 3 Silver each Stonestrike/BOTD Picks starting at 50 Copper each WoA Horseshoes starting at 10 copper each WoA Saddles Starting at 25 Copper each High QL Metal including 64KG 100QL Iron / 1 Silver each Jewelry Merchant coming soon 3 Miscellaneous Merchants House Rules: Spoiler Outlet Style: No guarantee of any particular stock. When its gone its gone, so buy it if you see it. Resellers / Impers /Arbitrage Welcome: Go ahead and buy to resell. Stand around, advertise, buy, and ship out immediately at a higher price. Capitalism ho! Restocks & Requests: Only custom orders are guaranteed, but If I have free time I'll restock requests. Portal Mechanics to Melody: All NFI starter towns are linked by portal. You can get to the outlets from any other starter town and goods teleport with you. There is a 10 minute cool down between ports, so stay a while and shop. Commentary: My prices are too cheap? Too bad. Buy things and resell them if you feel that way. For custom casts or requests at higher cost: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 10 WoA horseshoe merchants are fully restocked. 70 Woa - 10c ea 80 Woa - 20c ea 90 Woa - 40c ea 95 Woa - 80c ea 100+ Woa 1.6s ea. Get them before they are gone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Saturday at 03:11 PM The 70 and 80 class merchants are now fully stocked. Rev- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites