
Trader Economy

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I understand that "get prices" are used mainly for sacrificing, but why are the values so *wrong* for lack of a better word?


  • a 92.47 ql Tin Pickaxe (no enchants) has trader value of 0.0083
  • a 51.72 ql iron Pickaxe (woa124 & coc82) has trader value of 0.0025
  • a 30.28 ql walnut spindle as trader value of 0.3627


this is so frustrating to me. Is there a way to correct this on my private server so that item prices are more reflective of their functional value and creation difficulty?


Also, I have tried many times to increase trader coin on my server, but they still seem to run out very quickly. Myself and the players on my server really enjoy the trading aspect of the game, but we are forced to create our own blackmarkets for trading items (highly inefficient)



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For some reason all starter items have a very low value, therefore also the pickaxe has a low value. You are correct that price values are really unrealistic changing that would require a lot of work.


Increasing the KINGSMONEY field in your wurmlogin.db in the SERVERS table will make sure that traders have more money. Also make sure to read the instructions for fixing cash flow:

Traders only will receive money if they have a certain buy / sell ratio, so if you just sell to the trader and never buy, the trader will not get any coins from the kingdom.

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You have answered the question. The prices *do* reflect the items' worth - but only when seen through the eyes of a priest.

Each deity prefers a particular type of sac item, and so items belonging to these 4 types are given a vastly higher trader value - because priests who buy these items from the trader can get far more favour from saccing them.. 


For Vynora it was always wooden items that gave a bonus when saccing, hence why the spindle is 'worth' far more than the other tools in your example.

In order for that to change, Vynora would have to prefer pickaxes, or your pickaxes would need to be made out of wood. :)

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