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Suggestions for Improving Settlement Development and Resource Administration

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Hello Everyone,


I want some tips on how to run and expand my settlement more effectively. I recently established a business with several friends, and although we're making good strides, I believe we could do a better job of managing our resources. Right now, we're situated close to a lake and a small forest, and our primary priorities have been farming, erecting the first defences, and developing basic infrastructure.

In particular, I would value advice on:

Resource Allocation and Gathering: We are having trouble juggling the time commitments of mining, wood harvesting, and food supply maintenance. In order to prevent burnout, are there any best methods for allocating these responsibilities among settlement members?

Effective Land Expansion: As our community grows, we wish to add more land without becoming overburdened with upkeep. What are some pointers for expansion pacing? As communities expand, is there a certain layout that works best?

Long-Term Skill Development: We all have varied interests in skills, but we're not sure if diversification or specialisation is preferable. Which abilities will be most beneficial to the colony if we prioritise them early on?

Community Trade: Although we haven't thoroughly investigated how to accomplish this successfully, we are thinking about trading with neighbouring communities. Do you have any advice on how to begin bartering or trading, and are there any resources that are more in demand than others?

We would be very grateful for any information or resources (such as helpful mods or instructions). As we get to know the area, we want to establish a flourishing colony and give back to the community.


Thank you in advance for your help and support.



xoyivisalesforce developer

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Resource Allocation and Gathering: Keep pars like any good business. Large crates/ BSBs full of wood/iron etc? Always have 200-300kg or whatever of the best quality, and then some backup. Refill as needed.
Having everyone fill pans at the same time makes it a lot faster and the Mind Logic gains are okay, if they are down to help w food.

Effective Land Expansion: Expand ONLY WHEN YOU NEED IT. Is every tile being used well? Do you find yourself going "Damn, I wish I had enough x tile to be able to do y" on a daily basis? Can you manage the new daily upkeep of having many new farm tiles, animals etc?

Long-Term skill dev: Dont pigeonhole people. Let them find what they like to do and theyll naturally do it more and get better. A weaponsmith/blacksmith is great. Going to need high mining and woodcutting. Someone who really likes cooking is good to have around. Carp and masonry generally will come regardless.


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One thing to remember is that on Guidance, you can't deed your land.

If you want an effective community joined together sharing resources, establishing a deed on one of the full-function servers might be recommended.


Settlement deeds let you establish permissions as a group for your community,  as well as enables you to lock outsiders out of the resources on your settlement lands.  Also, within a deeded settlement that has at least 30 days upkeep paid in advance, there is no decay of buildings, fences, or "decorative" items.  This can make a big difference for players not wishing to spend time maintaining their home's existence.

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