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2 questions to WU-mods(hwportals and creatureagemod)

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i made a screenshot of the settings of these mods : Picture of both mod-settings


My first question is, are settings on both correct to make them run ? On creatureage-mod i would like to have my horses age fast until they are mature, then normal WO-Aging speed.

2. hw-portals: when standing on my deed with mortar and marble brick in my inventory, i don't get the option to make a hw-portal, just a marble brazier pillar. (used patcher.bat to update the server with the mods, so they should work with the right settings)

Edited by Brandon

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Or if a player has the highway-portals up and working in his game, could you compare your hwportals.config with mine, to see if the settings of my file is wrong anyhow ?

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