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Window Management Ingame

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When having started the game as windowed, there is always the possibility to (rclick frame, choose option) choose fullscreen instead. But is there any way (key combination, whatever) to revert to windowed?

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I use "windowed resizable" in settings.  Then I just use the 'maximize' and 'restore down' icons on the window border to go to windowed full screen and back to small resizable window again as required.


Settings > Graphics tab > Drop down box > Windowed Resizable


Windowed full screen (maximized) and windowed resizable (small) windows will each have their own UI set up, so you might see your inventory UI window disappear and other windows move around when switching between them.  I use the windowed full screen (maximized) to sort my archaeology fragments, so when I finish I make sure to close all these UI container windows before restoring down again, so that the UI container windows work as they normally do when back in resizable window mode.


I hope that makes sense. :)

Edited by Muse

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