
friend list.. could somebody at last figure and fix this

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it's getting old to get people to lose friends and get texts to remove and add people to sync lists.. 

some lose their whole lists.. other lose parts(?)... some variety of desync is happening and it's annoying for both parties


along the whole mess.. some kind of explanation what friends and groups can do and cant' do will be great.. since permissions overlap proximity pickup perms seem to mess with /team perms for whatever reason

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I'm assuming that since so many people still have bugged friend lists the "fix" is actually just someone going in to manually stitch people back together with their friend list: So that if the person doesn't report it, or gets unlucky and doesn't have it seen by the right person, it will never be "fixed" for them?



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for now.. I can't care less.. since I am not affected.. but that seems to be matter of time.. since bugs just slap you in the face even if you do not go and poke them, like.. account age resetted for all, while it keeps original date.. for w/e reason puts all characters to show like they entered the world at same moment in time.. while they also have their normal old existence also.. none of that makes sense.. and I'd assume some maintenance will take the one time and convert it to the other time.. and show it... if it was overwritten for w/e reason... or w/e variable will be changed with the appropriate at last, even if there were no changes to any of that content for character age from /playtime

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it does not work. Apparently I also lost few friends (their side or my side) again, who were re-friended after the patch stating friend list bug was fixed.. So much of a fix

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There were two parts to the bugs involving Friends lists, one where a player lost all their friends and was replaced with someone else's list, and then one where players lost individual friends.


Both these should now be fixed, you will need to re-add the lost individual friends, then they should no longer be removed. If losses do continue after today's update, please let us know.


Unfortunately any friends that were lost and those players are not available to re-add, there is no way for us to re-add them.

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in my case I had a DM to re-add somebody, but I can not re-add somebody as I see the other person in my friendlist, it exists for me, but I do not exist on the other end; quick workaround is -> on my end remove the friend, and then add it again, and this adds it into the other person's list again, while it also removes it and then adds it again for me


haven't tried to add somebody while I had it in the list, made no sense to try that, maybe it's possible, haven't tested it



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15 hours ago, Pomona said:

There were two parts to the bugs involving Friends lists, one where a player lost all their friends and was replaced with someone else's list, and then one where players lost individual friends.


Both these should now be fixed, you will need to re-add the lost individual friends, then they should no longer be removed. If losses do continue after today's update, please let us know.


Unfortunately any friends that were lost and those players are not available to re-add, there is no way for us to re-add them.

It's not fixed sadly I ran into it around a week ago. I was on someone else's and they weren't on mine. They had to remove me to send another friends request, otherwise it gave the error stating I was already on their friends list.


Edit: you said after today's update sorry I get confused easy. Hope it's actually fixed!

Edited by user

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