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Leveling a tile does not affect all corners simultaneously

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Until yesterday's update:

when you had a dirt / sand tile lowered and flat, like the example (center tile, A)



| C |   |   |


|   | A | B |


|   |   |   |



If you leveled tile B, in each 5-second leveling action the 2 corners of tile B opposite tile A would get lowered simultaneously. Thus you would have 2 dirts lowered per 5 seconds.

In case of tile C, each leveling action would result in all 3 corners not touching tile A being lowered simultaneously. Thus you would have 3 dirts lowered per 5 seconds.

( And by the way this is the optimal way to level a big area, zig-zagging forward and left -> forward and right etc. )


After yesterday's update: When you level a tile the corners are leveled in a round-robin fashion, with 1 corner being affected every 5 seconds. This makes leveling tile B 50% more inefficient, and tile C 66% more inefficient than the old behavior.


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Posted (edited)

If you are referring to leveling down a tile(removing dirt) it was only like that for the small window for the action queue update to yesterday. Only leveling up(adding dirt) could effect multiple corners. I tested both on Wurm Unlimited,  so Chair is correct. See

Edited by user

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