Posted August 23 (edited) Hey there, i started a bit ago with my own wurm unlimited-server (again) and installed quite a few interesting mods, which was in some cases not a good idea. Actually i have a old raging rift beast roaming around my deed and it eats my spirit guards for breakfast. I would like to get rid of all that rift things again. Maybe when i'm stronger i can try it again. I have 2 mods, that come in question to cause the spawn of these uber-mobs: from Ausimus: Poll Spawner This WU server side mod allows the server to randomly spawn items (currently only Rift Items) around the map. They will not spawn on deed, below water, mine entrances, rock, lava, or on slopes > 20. Mostly anything can be configured with it, if i missed a wanted configuration post it here and ill add it to the next version. and from Cuddles: Rift Event (event spawner) new item in game called "Altar of Anubis" it acts like an altar as in you add items into it then sacrifice and the items get sent to Anubis, this increases the power of the Altar, when you get enough power you can activate the altar as such and spawn the mobs. Default properties file is set up for rift mobs and items, there are 3 ranges of power, so people can do a lower power if they are weak or they can go all out and summon big stuff. properties file craftable=false #new addition in v 3.0 multiple settings that can be applied to items individually using Data1. #goes by the Data1 value of the item from 0 to 9. #when created default value is -1 and if unchanged it will use settings for 0 anyway. #data1 value of 0 settings #amount of power needed #low,medium,high powerneeded0=100000,200000,400000 #number of mobs in that group spawned. #low,medium,high numberspawned0=15,10,5 #rarity, 0 = normal, 1 = rare, 2 = supreme #low,medium,high lootrarity0=0,0,0 #distance from Altar mobs can spawn. #10,10,10,10 will be an area of 21x21 which includes tile altar is on. #don't use 0, that would be just silly. #north,south,east,west coords0=10,10,10,10 #mob/loot ids with a , in between and no spaces. #as many as you want, server will just randomly pick from those listed. highmobids0=109,111,108 highlootids0=1102,1103,1104 midmobids0=110,112 midlootids0=1102,1103,1104 lowmobids0=106,107 lowlootids0=1102,1103,1104 Video now out dated. 3 actions for players, they can choose to spawn low, medium or high. Changing the Data1 value (0-9) on the altar will change the settings used for that altar, corresponding to the properties file settings. new reload config for GM, so settings can be changed while server is running.!AjnBltNOSFjCgmppICUkq-nc-W4Z one of these causes to make rift plants and single rift mobs roaming on my server. Actually i took both mods out of the server-mod folder, doubleclicked patcher.bat and started the server with the modlauncher.bat, but the old raging rift beast is still there, hopefully 10 spirit guards handle it maybe. I have to fear that my whole server is tainted with these beasts already. Is there a way i can get my server into the old state, it was before, without rift-things and beasts ? Help very welcome;) Edited August 23 by Brandon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 23 Cuddles' rift event mod only spawns rift mobs when you activate the altar of anubis (a new item it adds in). The other one, Poll Spawner, does seem to spawn them across the map, so that must be the one. However, removing the mod won't remove any of the mobs it already spawned (since they are vanilla mobs). You should probably get a GM character and zap all the problematic mobs from around your deed manually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 23 (edited) I made a character now and gave him GM Powers 5 in the server menu. But how can i delete now all the rift crystals and plants and mobs ? And when i mark "undead", am i safe against attacks of mobs then ? I found a sort of guide in the net, but nothing is clearly explained there. Meanwhile i got the ebony wand, and gave my gm-char implementor-status but where can i enter commands to fly ? In the Guide they state " bind X flight", but console does not accept that command. I found the "destroy" key on the wand, the only things i need is to move very fast around, like flying and have "destroy" bound to a key, then i can start removing rift things. Edit: i just entered "flight" in the console, without anything, now that works ! But how can i bind commands ? And isn't there a sort of server wide command, to remove rift-things ? because flying all over the map and remove rift-items and -creatures will take months Edit2: another thought: i have the "creatureagemod"(beings age faster) anyway, shouldn't the rift-mobs(and items?) dying out then so to say, without having the rift-mods installed ? Edited August 23 by Brandon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites