
City of Caucasia Recruiting Multiple Villagers

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We have a deed with plenty of space for additional villagers. Looking to recruit a number of individuals and build a city. I created a similar deed on Xanadu years ago and having so many people around was some of the most fun I had on Wurm.


Caucasia is located next to Harmony Bay, and sits only a few tiles outside of it's perimeter. Also located on the highway system, and on the coast.

Every villager will get:
Their own plot, ranging from 20 tiles to 35 tiles. 40+ tile plots set aside for individuals who play with a friend or partner.

A small dock in the on deed Harbor.

The deed has plenty of clay and tar tiles.

Two mines, one on deed, and one in Perimeter 4 tiles off deed. Mines have plenty of Iron, and numerous other vein types.

A separate 4 tile pen for personal animals.

Community Kitchens
Community Workshops

Community Farm

Free blacksmithing imps to 60QL

Free carpentry imps to 60QL

Plenty of resource access for building and crafting

No rent!


We want to build a community, come join us and stay as long as you like. New players, returning players, and vets are all welcome. 

If you are interested, or have questions, you can reply to this post, message me on forums, or message me in game: ign: Baecher (In game likely to be fastest)

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I'm considering moving to NFI so I will be in touch if I decide to..

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