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Fishing using a fishing rod

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Today i tried fishing with a fishing rod, i had worms as baits, and fishes were biting quick. But i used up all baits and did not catch 1 fish. I read the wiki, when a fish nibbled on the bait i did leftclick and then moved the pole to the right, to pull the fish to me. i did that slow and then later, faster. Nothing helped, they just swam off. Is there a video explaining it exactly ? Or do i have to swing the pole to the right when a certain message comes ? My fishing skill is 20 actually, which i think is not that bad.

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Is there not a video under journal entry for fishing if i remember .


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Sorry, found no fishing entry in the journal at all. I tried to find a video but only found 10 year olds unfortunately.

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Today i tried it for another 30 minutes, to catch at least 1 fish. They eat my baits, destroy my hooks and steal my floats, not 1 fish.

I miss the old wurm fishing.

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Try spear fishing, size isn't limited like it is for net fishing.

No gear needed besides the spear.


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I tried spear fishing also last year, it was the same tedious stuff, i just missed all fishes, the only thing working to me is mini sized fishes in the net.

I would really like to know how many % of the player base can handle the actual fishing system.

Guess 10% or so, and these are to lazy to make fishing videos, thats why no videos of this mystic art exists.

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I think most agree that the new system is bad.


One pro tip with the spear is that if you see the fish coming, spam click it, you have until the fish darts past you off screen to catch it, so just put the red marker somewhat in front of it and spam that left mouse button till you catch it.

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Yes i remember doing that, it was crazy how my spear got damaged by spam clicking it. I mean i'm not a bad player when it comes to reflexes or aiming, but hey 1 fish i got with spear back then

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Use a fishing net works just as good but limits size for journal entry .

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I got one !!


[08:40:49] You catch a herring


As soon as it nibbled at the float i pressed leftclick mouse, but this time i moved the view/camera not that much as before..before i thought i have to look the opposite way the fish pulls, to get him back..this time i only looked a bit to the right from the line, then a bit to the left, and so one, and it came closer and closer, i did not stop moving the camera right and left, and suddenly i got the fish. Maybe this helps someone.

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I don't think that starting with rod fishing is a good idea. It is ways more relaxing to do net fishing. Granted, the fish caught are tiny, and most of them of little use (though some are great baits for much bigger fish later). But you can establish a convenient half afk workflow:

- Make as many fishing nets as you have actions

- Activate them in a row, enter "fish" for each of them (prolly works even better with toolbelt, did not try)

- Empty net when done, maybe to a fish keep net floating, or a crate, repair

- rinse and repeat.


Relatively shallow water from shore is most convenient. I did the old "catch 900 fish" personal goal that way, would never stood a chance with the old system. Net fishing brings you over 40, maybe even 50 skill in quite short time. From 30 on, rod fishing is arguably faster.


I did rod fishing from boat (rowboat) exclusively. I had to learn that I have to click the boat, as clicking the tile underneath is hard if not impossible, that is a convenient way. And yes, you have quite a number of failures in the beginning, the less the higher your skill, thus start with net fishing.


I cannot say much about spear fishing, did it only a few times for the journal.

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