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Problems with Cooking recipes?

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when trying to cook cream of tomato soup, I added cream, chopped tomato, and water. I added 3 grams of water and when I clicked "lore" the text box said: "[03:18:31] Not enough water, looks like it should use between 800 and 1200 grams." I added the neccessary amount of water and then after I clicked "lore" again it then stated:" [03:19:09] You cannot mix these." Am I doing this right?

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Yes, this is a known problem with many recipes.


The way to get around it is to not have anything activated when you click Lore on the cooking container.  Also, even if it says 'You cannot mix these', go ahead and cook it and it'll work.  That 'You cannot mix these' in Lore is simply wrong.

Not sure when this problem started, but it's been there a few months so far.


A shortcut to make sure you don't have any activated tool/item is to activate something and drop it from your inventory (or move it to somewhere outside your inventory).  When the activated object is no longer in your inventory, your activation will be blank.


ADDED:  Here's the link to my post in Server Bugs about it, August 2023:

Lore Bug with Salads

Edited by Tristanc

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