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Bug/Exploit Hunting with a tamed horse.

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Procedure: You tame a horse, you find any monster preferably weak one and while you enter combat you right click your horse and Untame- If a confirmation box doesn't open it worked, you can now safely hunt around with a tamed horse and it'll never get agro from monsters, unless you dismount it.


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Is the horse actually still tamed or is this just a visual bug?

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Horses and hellhorses are specifically coded that hostile mobs always target the rider over the tamed horse/hellhorse unless they're hungry or the horse attacks them and they fight back (only happens if you're disembarked or you enter than leave combat with the mob as it's always targeting you first), that's been in the game for roughly a decade, you can try with other mounted mobs to see they get instagibbed every time


your horse is targeting the first mob which prevents it attacking other mobs, which in turns prevents them from fighting back against the horse, that gets reset by the target dying, disembarking or clearing orders, has nothing to do with untaming window

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1 hour ago, Lisimba said:

Is the horse actually still tamed or is this just a visual bug?

Horse will still be tamed. - it wont be agrod no matter what like it was not tamed.

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