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Warning for unlocked carts on embarking

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Similar to the theft warning the first time you drop an item on the ground, the first time you embark as commander on an unlocked cart that you don't own, it should give a popup telling you the dangers of using an unlocked cart, and the fact that you can lose access to it if you disembark on another persons deed. It's a common occurrence in ca help to ask why they can't get back on the cart and the game doesn't explain why before it happens.

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Yes.   Very yes.   Especially when new players join an existing deed that might provide unlocked carts for use.  Players become accustomed to using these and have no idea that they could be locked out of it simply by doing something like disembarking to trade with a personal merchant that happens to be on a deed without the necessary permissions.  (?  Ask me how I know...)

Edited by TheTrickster

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