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Event Message Changes 09-MAY-2023

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Hello everyone! With how many messages we've updated and added with today's patch, we thought it may be best to make a separate post showing all of the changes. We hope that these changes will help clarify problems that may arise for new and older players alike! Message changes are sorted into categories for ease, and long lists under a few of these categories will be in spoilers to make other categories easy to find.


Sailing and Swimming


Action: Getting too close to server border with no server to transfer to (1st warning)

Old Message: You see dark shadows moving beneath the waves.

New Message: You see dark shadows moving beneath the waves. There is nothing in this direction.


Action: Getting too close to server border with no server to transfer to (2nd warning)

Old Message: An enourmous shark scouts you from below.

New Message: You feel a disturbance in the currents. You are approaching the edge of these lands and should turn back immediately.


Action: Getting teleported a tile back and frozen for 30 seconds when hitting an invalid server border while swimming

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You stop to regain your bearings. You will be able to move again in 30 seconds.







Action: Trying to mine a cave tile that would connect at only one corner to another open cave tile

Old Message: The cave walls sound hollow. A dangerous side shaft could emerge.

New Message: The cave walls echo strangely. There must be an open tunnel diagonal from the wall you are mining, and you would need to approach it from a different direction.


Action: Trying to tunnel a perfectly flat rock tile

Old Message: The topology here makes it impossible to mine in a good way.

New Message: You realize you can't open a tunnel here, because the surface is too flat.


Action: Trying to mine a cave tile that would cause a too-deep shaft due to height difference from adjacent open cave tile

Old Message: A dangerous crack is starting to form on the floor. You will have to find another way.

New Message: You hear crumbling on the other side of the wall and the floor starts to crack. The shaft would be too steep and unstable.


Action: Trying to tunnel a cave entrance adjacent to another cave entrance without a matching tile border

Old Message: Current tile needs a flat border to correspond to lower part of adjacent cave entrance.

New Message: The current tile needs a flat border level with the bottom of the adjacent cave entrance.


Action: Trying to tunnel a cave entrance without matching orientation to adjacent cave entrance

Old Message: Current tile needs to be same orientation as adjacent cave entrance

New Message: The current tile needs to face the same direction as the adjacent cave entrance.


Action: Trying to lower a cave floor with the ceiling at maximum height from floor already

Old Message: Lowering the floor further would make the cavern unstable.

New Message: Lowering the floor further with such a high ceiling would make the cavern unstable.


Action: Trying to open a tunnel from inside a cave with open space on either side of the new mine exit.

Old Message: The cave walls look very unstable. You cannot keep mining here.

New Message: The cave walls look very unstable. Mining here would open a cave exit, but there aren't enough solid walls to support it, so you stop mining.


Action: Trying to open a tunnel from inside a cave that would penetrate a non-rock tile.

Old Message: The cave walls look very unstable and dirt flows in. You would be buried alive.

New Message: The cave walls look very unstable and dirt flows in. Mining here would open a cave exit, but the dirt above would bury you alive, so you stop mining.


Action: Trying to open a tunnel from above ground when the cave tile is ore/reinforced.

Old Message: You cannot keep mining here. The rock is unusually hard.

New Message: You cannot create a tunnel here. The stone under the surface is something harder than normal rock.


Action: Trying to open a tunnel from above ground when the cave tile or tiles next to it are open space.

Old Message: The ground sounds strangely hollow and brittle. You have to abandon the mining operation.

New Message: You cannot create a tunnel here. The ground sounds strangely hollow, and there must be open space under the surface that would make the entrance unstable.


Action: Trying to open a tunnel from above ground when it would result in too steep a slope to an existing cave tile.

Old Message: The mountainside would risk crumbling. You cannot tunnel here.

New Message: You hear crumbling beneath your feet. The tunnel to the open cave underneath would be far too steep and unstable.


Action: Trying to open a tunnel from above ground whose entrance would have a slope greater than 270.

Old Message: The mountainside would risk crumbling. You can't open a hole here.

New Message: The mountainside would risk crumbling. You can't open a tunnel on a surface this steep.


Action: Trying to mine a cave ceiling in a way that would break through the rock layer, but with dirt above it.

Old Message: The roof sounds strangely hollow and you notice dirt flowing in, so you stop mining.

New Message: You notice dirt flowing in, so you stop mining. Breaking through the ceiling here would bury you alive.


Action: Trying to mine a cave ceiling too close to the top of the rock layer.

Old Message: The roof sounds dangerously weak and you must abandon this attempt.

New Message: The roof sounds dangerously weak and you stop mining. It must be too close to the rock surface to continue.


Action: Trying to surface mine when there is an open cave underneath and you would breach the ceiling

Old Message: The rock sounds hollow. You need to tunnel to proceed.

New Message: The rock sounds hollow, and you would breach a cave ceiling. You need to tunnel to proceed.


Action: Trying to mine open space instead of a wall (often if the wall breaks in the middle of an action queue)

Old Message: The rock is too hard to mine.

New Message: The cave wall is already destroyed, so you stop mining.


Action: Trying to mine a reinforcement when you aren't allowed to do so

Old Message: The rock is too hard to mine.

New Message: You are not allowed to remove that reinforcement.


Action: Trying to surface mine when your skill is too low for the slope

Old Message: You are too unskilled to mine here.

New Message: You are not skilled enough to mine on such steep slopes.


Action: Trying to mine a cave wall from the surface (e.g. by moving during the action)

Old Message: You are too far away to mine there.

New Message: You can't figure out how to mine the cave wall from outside the cave, so you stop trying.



Flattening and Leveling



Action: Trying to flatten/level a clay, tar, or peat tile with less than 70 skill

Old Message: You just can not work how to <flatten / level> here it seems.

New Message: You would need at least 70 Digging skill to figure out how to <flatten / level> <tile type>.


Action: Trying to flatten/level a tile type you can't flatten/level

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: <Tile type> tiles cannot be modified.


Action: Trying to flatten/level a tree or bush tile

Old Message: You can't flatten that place, as a shovel just won't do.

New Message: You would need to chop down the <tile type> first.


Action: Trying to raise a tile type you can't raise by flattening/leveling

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: The <tile type> is preventing you from raising the ground.


Action: Trying to flatten/level inside a GM-protected area or holy site

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: The land here is protected by the gods.


Action: Trying to flatten/level inside a rift

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: This land is disturbed by the Rift and may not be modified.


Action: Trying to flatten/level inside a HotA zone (on servers where this is blocked)

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: This land is protected by the deities and may not be modified.


Action: Trying to flatten/level near a dueling ring

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: The <tile type> is too close to the dueling ring.


Action: Trying to flatten/level the ground underneath a structure

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: That would disturb the foundation of "<Structure name>".


Action: Trying to flatten/level the ground underneath a fence (non-hedge)

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: That would disturb the ground underneath the <fence type>.


Action: Trying to flatten/level the ground underneath a fence (hedge)

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: You would need to chop down the <fence type> first.


Action: Trying to flatten/level the edge of a village on which you don't have digging permissions

Old Message: Some corners can't be modified.

New Message: The settlement of <Settlement name> does not allow you to dig here.





Action: Trying to cast Strongwall to collapse a mine tile on a highway

Old Message: (none)

New Message: Collapsing that tile would disturb the highway.





Action: Trying to dig on a corner shared by 3 or more bush or tree tiles.

Old Message: You cannot dig in such terrain.

New Message: The area is too crowded with (trees / bushes / trees and bushes) to dig properly.





Action: A mission for the god in question has completed, aiding the god on Valrei.

Old Message: <God>'s followers now have the attention of the <spirit type> spirits.

New Message: (none)


Action: An Epic mission has completed successfully.

Old Message: (none)

New Message: <Mission name> has been completed successfully. A new mission, <new mission name>, is now available!


Action: An Epic mission has expired.

Old Message: (none)

New Message: <Mission name> has expired. A new mission, <new mission name>, is now available!





Change: Item name of CR enhancement potion, usually received from your god

Old Name: potion

New Name: greenish potion

Old Description: A small flask containing an oily substance that glows in the dark.

New Description: A small flask containing an oily substance that glows in the dark. Drink this to improve your reflexes in combat.


Change: Various ambiguous item names, e.g. mauls, metal shields

Old Name Example: maul

New Name Example: medium maul


Change: Bow names not showing whether they are strung or now

Old Name: short bow, long bow (when strung AND unstrung)

New Name: (unstrung) short bow, (unstrung) long bow





Action: Error message when attempting to load an item into itself

Old Message: You are unable to bend reality enough to accomplish that!

New Message: You are unable to bend reality enough to load the <item name> into itself!


Action: Message when examining a quality locked bulk container

Old Message: It is locked with a lock of <quality estimate> quality.

New Message: It is locked with a lock of <quality estimate> quality, allowing a minimum quality level of <minimum QL>.






Action: Time until next possible meditation skill gain (given when meditating if skill gain cooldown is active)

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You have meditated recently and cannot gain skill from meditating again for <amount of time>.


Action: Given at end of meditation when the 3-hour cooldown kicks in (meditated 5 times)

Old Message: You feel that it will take you a while before you are ready to meditate again.

New Message: You feel that it will take you a while before you are ready to meditate again. You can gain skill from meditating again in <amount of time>.


Action: Given at end of meditation when the 3-hour cooldown tick is not active

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You can gain skill from meditating again in <amount of time>, and can gain skill <number> more time(s) today until you need to take a break.


Action: Upon first reaching 100 Faith

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You have reached 100 Faith!


Action: Upon first reaching 30 Faith as non-Priest or non-Premium

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You must <become a priest> (and) <have Premium time remaining> to gain higher than 30 Faith.


Action: When gaining Faith through prayer (with prayers per day remaining), or a sermon that resets prayers per day

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You can gain Faith from praying again in <amount of time>, and can do so <number> more time(s) today.


Action: When gaining Faith through prayer (without prayers per day remaining)

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You have reached your maximum Faith gains from prayer for the day. You can gain Faith from praying again in <amount of time>.




PvP Related


Action: Messages given when passing characteristic thresholds for PvP actions while on PvE servers

Old Message: You may no longer (steal things / attack people). / You now feel confident enough to (steal things / attack other people).

New Message: (none)

NOTE: These messages have only been removed for PvE servers.




Action: Attempting to dye an item without enough dye

Old Message: You need more (dye / paint) to colour that item - at least <amount>g of (dye / paint).

New Message: You need more dye to colour that item - at least <amount>g of dye.


Action: Dyeing an item

Old Message: You start to (dye / paint) the <item name> using <amount>g of (dye / paint).

New Message: You start to (dye / paint) the <item name> using <amount>g of dye.





Action: Trying to drop a tent on someone else's settlement

Old Message: You are not allowed to put your tent there.

New Message: You are currently inside the settlement of <Settlement name>. You may not drop your tent in someone else's village or perimeter.


Action: Trying to drop a tent on someone else's settlement perimeter

Old Message: You are not allowed to put your tent there.

New Message: You are currently within the perimeter of <Settlement name>. You may not drop your tent in someone else's village or perimeter.


Action: Trying to drop a tent on ground below sea level

Old Message: You are not allowed to put your tent there.

New Message: The ground is too wet to drop your tent there. You'll need to drop it on higher ground.


Action: Trying to drop a tent within a Rift

Old Message: You are not allowed to put your tent there.

New Message: The influence of the Rift prevents you from pitching your tent there.




Action: Trying to use a highway marker on a corner that can't be part of a highway (e.g. not road on all sides)

Old Message: Not a valid tile.

New Message: Highway markers must be planted on corners between paved tiles.


Action: Trying to use a highway marker on a corner that already has one

Old Message: Not a valid tile.

New Message: A (catseye / waystone) already exists on that corner.


Action: Trying to use a highway marker on a corner that is invalid for other reasons

Old Message: Not a valid tile.

New Message: Not a valid tile. (no change)


Action: Trying to plant a catseye on a corner without an adjacent highway marker

Old Message: Can only plant if there is an adjacent marker.

New Message: Catseyes must be planted adjacent to another highway marker.


Action: Trying to plant a waystone off-deed on a corner without an adjacent highway marker

Old Message: Can only plant if there is an adjacent marker.

New Message: Waystones outside villages must be planted adjacent to another highway marker.





Action: When trying to smelt an item that isn't hot enough

Old Message: The <item> is not hot enough.

New Message: The <item> needs to be glowing hot to be smelted.


Action: When smelting an item

Old Message: (none)

New Message: You smelt the <item>.





Change: Description of glowing hot items (first stage)

Old Message: It is glowing from the heat.

New Message: It is glowing dimly from the heat.


Change: Description of glowing hot items (second stage)

Old Message: It is glowing from the heat.

New Message: It is glowing brightly from the heat.


Change: Description of glowing hot items (third stage)

Old Message: It is glowing from the heat.

New Message: It is glowing white-hot.

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