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Friendship Bay Summer Impalong 2023 (Friendalong)

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All leftover items have been mailed home, and the summary post is linked below!!





Hello again my fellow Wurmians, that time is coming around again, that's right! Its the 6th annual Friendalong! (5th) (4th) (3rd) (2nd) (1st) This event is as usual brought to you by Dragon Beard Markets, the Elysian Academy Alliance of Pristine, and the donations from the community members like you! This years event will again be held July 20th to the 25th, same date/time/location as last year and the year before.  If you want to contribute your labor, please make a post including the skills that your want to work with so we can get a generally idea of skill coverage, If you want to contribute with materials or prizes please contact me directly to ensure donations are properly recorded and published, if so desired donates can be listed anonymously on the public side. The arena should be infested with all the monsters and probably way too many of them again, but we will deal with it! This is also an important time of the year for the GM's its important to give the GM's there chance to kill you, lets face it, you probably hassled one at some point this year, and they have a year of frustration to vent! So be sure to partake of the arena! As I always say, If you didn't die at the imp-along you did it wrong! Hit it hard and you can get a months worth of fighting done in a few days without the exploration!


Some of you are new to wurm this year and might be asking what is an "Imp-along"? as there generally called. Well basically is a community event supported by a player host or hosts, who provide resources and facilities for the benefit of everyone, it tends to turn into a party. Each host's style is a bit unique so each "Imp-along" varies greatly. But basically its a place where everyone gets together to improve and cast for each other in a freeform labor exchange with resources provided. Its a week long party, packed with all sorts of fun and games, prizes, booze, coffee, food, a very active PVE battle arena, and a ton of other events/games created by players! Anyone can come, anyone can help imp. Often people just come to grind there skill for free. You don't have to be able to get to maximum quality imp, just do what you can and someone else will finish up the work!  Of course there are limits on equipment amounts that will be spelled out in detail below. You do not HAVE to contribute, but its certainly welcome and appreciated, and you can work your skills for free on other peoples gear. The only real restrictions is on channeling skill witch should be at least 70 to help prevent shattered items.


Eagle Eyes! I just wanted to take this moment to thank everyone for the diligence and effort you all put into keeping things fair and on the level, reporting suspect things/item violations and generally helping keep this and other player driven events on the level. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to keep these things going without your help. The moment people start to feel taken advantage of with the donation of there personal time/effort/skill/resources/prizes etc. That is the same moment people no longer want to contribute those things anymore, and these things are dead. As annoying as it may be, every report, every time we have to take action, is an opportunity to reinforce to those players that were looking out for them and the integrity of these events. So thank you all :) 

Disclaimer: 100% Vegan/Kosher. May cause eye/nose irritation. Do not swallow. Never iron clothes while wearing them. Safety is not guaranteed. Attendees may be electrocuted/exposed to radiation (for science). Management is not responsible for disease/loss of life or organs due to everything/anything but will provide a tombstone in certain cases, and laugh at most others. Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located up the stairs. What happens at Friendalong stays at Friendalong. You consent to be teleported randomly into the arena if your don't wear shoes. This event is performed by professional, don't try this at home, or do... One whole tree in every bottle! 100% no refund guarantee!


  • When: July 20th - 25th 2023. auction_timer_E1689876059.gif Event ends: auction_timer_1690326036.gif
  • Where: Pristine, T16, Friendship Bay deed.
  • Map: In game Map View.
  • Map: Terrain View.
  • You can also plot to Dragon Beard from any highway, then just follow the highway west a few hundred tiles to the deed.

  • Discord Details. (Updated 7/10/23)


    Upon joining the server you will land on the Discord rules channel, after reading and using the reaction roles below to get the Wurm Online role, you will be give access to the Friendalong Landing channel, after some more mandatory reading you can apply yourself the relevant roles to channels that your interested in, you can have multiple roles, if you wish to remove that role, simply click the reaction button a second time. Please read the pinned comments or channel headers for information on how to use each channel correctly.


    Sadly we will not have the music service this year unless we find another source for it, due to legal issues with YouTube our moderation provider who bundles this service in had to drop the service (YouTube wants more money). If you have a suggestions for an alternative entertainment bot that does not require obscene permissions feel free to suggest it.



What's still needed. (Updated 7/12/23)

  • Are you interested in streaming the event, let us know with a post below?
  • A Huge Egg?? Each time I find one I think its the last, but here is hoping for #4? Fatten your wallet and get in on the kill?
  • Prizes! Donations are appreciated but I'm also willing to pay for the right things! Shoot me a message if you got something that would make a good prize you want to part with.

Changes/additions this year.

  • Adding a Papyrus Station
  • Adding a Seating area for Lawn Darts (helmets and "rain" poncho's recommended)
  • Adding a Graveyard (For the worthy)
  • Inn Remodel/Expansion for more rooms.
  • Other Sekret Things...
  • Keeping the guest book.
  • Keeping the HFC Stations.
  • Prize Transparency: Thoe it has never been questioned, I feel like the prize recording process and gifting could be more transparent, as a result we will record winners characters name as well this year for the record.
  • Mob-passive Spirit Templars up front this time, just in case.....
  • Some changes to game rules, mostly for consistency, anti-abuse, and transparency.
  • Adding 80 and 90q Silver!
  • Adding 80 and 90q Leather!


Materials on hand:

Materials: Stock Levels
Material: Current Stock: Goal: Needed: % Done:
70q Brass: 1,998 2,000 2 99.90%
70q Bronze: 1,945 2,000 55 97.25%
70q Clay 1,114 1,000 0 111.40%
70q Copper: 3,339 3,000 0 111.30%
70q Electrum: 2,104 2,000 0 105.20%
70q Silver: 2,538 2,500 0 101.52%
80q Silver: 2,900 2,000 0 145.00%
90q Silver: 4,004 2,000 0 200.20%
70q Tin: 2,009 2,000 0 100.45%
70q Zinc: 1,018 1,000 0 101.80%
70q Yarn: 2,987 3,000 13 99.57%
70q Gold: 2,877 2,500 0 115.08%
80q Gold: 1,786 1,500 0 119.07%
90q Gold: 1,783 1,000 0 178.30%
70q Iron: 4,046 4,000 0 101.15%
80q Iron: 4,248 2,500 0 169.92%
90q Iron: 4,375 2,000 0 218.75%
70q Lead: 2,000 2,000 0 100.00%
80q Lead: 1,000 1,000 0 100.00%
90q Lead: 1,000 1,000 0 100.00%
70q Leather 2,517 2,000 0 125.85%
80q Leather 1,003 1,000 0 100.30%
90q Leather 1,100 1,000 0 110.00%
70q Logs: 3,454 1,500 0 230.27%
80q Logs: 3,063 1,500 0 204.20%
85q Logs: 2,605 1,500 0 173.67%
90q Logs 3,229 1,200 0 269.08%
70q Marble Shards: 845 750 0 112.67%
80q Marble Shards: 500 500 0 100.00%
90q Marble Shards: 505 500 0 101.00%
70q Steel: 4,000 4,000 0 100.00%
80q Steel: 1,589 1,500 0 105.93%
90q Steel: 1,500 1,500 0 100.00%
70q Cloth String: 5,015 3,000 0 167.17%
80q Cloth String: 1,642 1,500 0 109.47%
90q Cloth String: 2,892 1,500 0 192.80%
70q Stone Shards: 845 850 5 99.41%
80q Stone Shards: 699 700 1 99.86%
90q Stone Shards: 514 500 0 102.80%
100q Stone Shards: 150 150 0 100.00%
Favor (70q Cordage) 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 100.00%
Peat: 1,126 1,000 0 112.60%
80q+ Cotton: 15,006 15,000 0 100.04%


Deed roles, rights, and how to join for bonus's.


Please treat the entire area as "off deed." Keep that in mind when leaving stuff outside a building. Lead, Take, Drop, Butcher, and Bury will all be enabled deed wide for everyone at the opening of the event. In addition If you would like to take advantage of some pumped up deed bonus's we will be accepting players to join the village again this year, this can also double as a local spawn point if you forget your tent. You will NOT be able to take anything dropped by another player inside a building with the exception of the larder in the eatery. If you wish to join the deed, FIRST enable invitations with the /invitations commands, then you can ask in local for an invite, any other villager can invite you.


The Deed Campsite and Facilities.

  • The Great Hall: This is where most of the action happens, All the Smithing Stations (3rd Floor), Priest Stations (1st Floor) and Everything else (2nd Floor) are located in this building, Sermons are also held on the ground floor.
  • The Prize Hall: This is where we put all the Prizes on display each year for the guests to examine the potential prizes
  • The Arena: This is where the knitting party hangs out. NOTHING dangerous EVER happens here, pants are optional.
  • The Game Hall: This is the hall with the Chess and Checkers tables, and other player driven/organized events can be held.
  • The Friendship Inn: Rooms available for the week, limited availability, rooms must be registered for before the event starts.
  • The Friendly Forest Campgrounds: Located south across the highway. There are 40+ large camp sites suitable for several tents each. Please do not modify or otherwise damage or change the area!


Limitations of services (MUST READ). (Updated 2/22/23)


So these events work because people enjoy helping each other out, but a very important catch to that is that people absolutely do not want to feel abused or taken advantage of, although it may seem like things are hard to track, that would be a mistake to assume, In addition to all logs being recorded for references and summary stats for the end of the event the veteran impers and caster keep a close eye on who is dropping what and taking advantage of peoples generosity. Every event I end up taking peoples items for taking advantage of others (after a fair warning, if its not obvious abuse). The veterans who help out and imp/cast at these things will not hesitate to report suspected abuse if they think there being taken advantage of and I totally encourage this. As soon as they feel taken advantage of these things are dead! I have no problem openly shaming people for abuse and banning them from future events! So with that out of the way consider some limitations:

  • A couple of weapons.
  • A suits of armor.
  • a set or two of horse shoes at a time.
  • 1-2 of most other items.
  • 20 Bloods at most for mixing.
  • 1-2 Necklaces.
  • 2-4 Rings.

You get the idea, just keep it reasonable. Do not create your items on site, particularly with the higher q imping mats. The only times items should be created is to replace shattered ones. So be sure you bring everything you need!


NAME YOUR ITEMS WITH YOUR COMPLETE CHARACTER NAME! I cant stress this enough, but just in case it will be stated several more times in the thread! Nothing else is needed, just make sure you move it to the correct locations as work progresses. ANY items that are not properly named will be secured and probably forfeit since identification is difficult. Creators tag will NOT be relied on. Post event unclaimed items that are good are pushed into the prize pool, junk items are fed to the gods.


Crime and Punishment:

As with any event there are always some problems, not everyone will read the limitations, or thinks there more clever then the vets, or are just generally not cut out for these types of things. However, I take the integrity of this event seriously, I'm open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but will not allow the event to be co-opted or damaged long term by childish or dishonest behavior. I WILL do everything in my power to keep things as smooth as possible and an enjoyable experience for the masses. The previous years threads hold many (some hilarious) examples of me "solving problems" Punishment will vary depending on the level or problem. This might be something as simple as a conversation with an admin and explanation of the problem, or being asked to leave for the year, being banned permanently, or even KOS'd and killed after fair warning. As I'm always fond of saying, "some people don't learn without being the lesson"


What's expected of you as a guest (MUST READ).

  • Be polite and be respectful!
  • Don't forget to put your characters NAME ON ALL YOUR ITEMS! Cant stress this enough. Anything not properly named is likely to be lost or stuffed in an overflow bin, and once moved with no name, there is basically no way to identify it as yours, creator id will NOT be accepted as show of ownership. Please try and remove your items promptly once imped/casted to avoid having your items secured in overflow. You do NOT need to label them with what cast/imp you want, just your name. Just make sure you place them in the correct container.
  • In case it needs repeating again.... Do NOT abuse people's generosity! Don't bring 10 or even 5 of the same item for imping/casting. The only real exception to this might be horse shoes. Anyone caught taking advantage will forfeit there items and be asked to leave. And the veteran impers do know what to look for, I seize items every year from abusers, and its usually an event veterans who tips us off.
  • Do NOT sell items that were done for you at the Impalong. Its about helping people out, not taking advantage of someone else's work to put coin in your pocket. If caught you will be banned from future events.
  • Getting items casted is at your own risk! Priest will be required to have at least 70 channeling shatters can and will happen! Item quality plays a big in this so if your going to get something casted, consider imping it first. If an item is shattered, and its reproducible on site, feel free to ask someone with skill to re craft it for you.
  • You should not need to pick any items up that are not your (nor will you be able to inside the prize hall or imping hall) If your items are moved to overflow please contact a "Wurm Lord" Items are only returned to the character named on it, Items can be release to alts under the condition the name on the item contacts the wurm lord and specifies who it can be released to. There will be no exceptions to this even if the Admin knows whos alt is whos.
  • Feel free to help imp items even if you don't have that skill to 70. The only real restriction is channeling. Everyone is welcome to help out! Consider this an opportunity to grind your skills and no expense to you other then time. Mats and favor are provided so go crazy imp or cast all the things!
  • When you complete and imp or cast please call it out in local to the owner something like "/me VirusMD your pickaxe imp is done!" This should help keep things flowing particularly for items waiting to receive multiple casts.
  • Please check on your items frequently when possible to avoid having them moved into overflow storage.


What is expected as an Imper or Caster at the Friend-A-Long:


  • Please do NOT improve or cast items that are not correctly labeled! Instead report them to an admin to be secured. This is considered abuse since we cannot tell whos item is being imped.
  • Casters, please consider removing your armor if its not cloth to get rid of that casting penalty! Also consider joining the village to take advantage of the killer deed bonus!
  • 70+ Channeling skill is required to be permitted to cast on other people's items.
  • 70+ in your imping skills of choice is recommended but feel free to chip in with whatever skills you have for imping. The final 2 days or so there will be higher q mats available for higher q imps, assuming the workflow is going smoothly.
  • PLEASE name your lumps/materials if you have to put them back in the forge/backpacks, and please put them back in material storage when you log off to prevent decay to materials.


Games, Events, and prizes. (Updated 7/13/23)


How games and prizes work:

Most games will have a ticket in some form or another, either digital or paper, they all count toward the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool". You can see below how each game is played, and how tickets are obtained Etc. This year were switching up the prize system a bit. Every prize will be sorted into groups, the prize list is open and if you want a specific item you can choose its group, a random # within that group will be rolled and that's the prize you win.

Those prize categories this year are:

"Ships" - All Ships

"Offense" - Weapons, Jewelry, and Shoulder pads

"Defense" - Shields, Armor, and Masks

"Tools" - All Tools

"Decor" - All decorative items including PMK Flags/banners


Grand Prize Pools:

This year there are TWO grand prize pools! Some of you already know where this is going..... In addition to the traditional custom made on site by our fine community, 90q, custom color, and runed full Drake Suit... *Drumroll* We have some beautiful Capybara Sultanate art to give away too! Check out the spoiler below for some screenshots. In addition to the Cappy wagon we have several other PMK Wagons as well as a Rare Cart, and a rare speed traited golden 4 speed horse. These will be rolled based on the same ticket pool but will be separate rolls. First the drake roll will be done. IF the winner is present, they will have the option to reroll for a wagon/cart/horse if desired. IF the drake winner is not present the give up any right to reroll, and still must respond within a few hours via forum etc. to arrange the gifting ceremony before the event closes. The second roll will be the PMK Wagons, Rare cart, and rare horses. Those winners will not be required to be present to win, but will have to arrange a meet up for transfer and pickup with myself. We believe this is the best balance for this year since we didn't want to force either roll to wait on each other and allow the drake winner a chance to win the cappy wagon etc. if they want instead.




Getting to large to post here, so I've created a public side g-doc relay.




Event Schedule:

Event: Day 1 (Thursday 7/20) Day 2 (Friday 7/21) Day 3 (Saturday 7/22) Day 4 (Sunday 7/23) Day 5 (Monday 7/24) Final Day (Tuesday 7/25)
Musical Chairs 11:00 AM 7:00 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM 9:00 AM
Checkers / Chess 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM
Wurmian Lawn Darts 4:00 PM 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 2:00 PM
Fishing Contest 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 AM 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 12:00 PM
Horse Races 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM
Muffin Mayhem 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM
Treasure Hunt Sealed Till Saturday the 22nd, 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM


All Times are in Alaska Standard time, but ill be setting up a bot reminder channel on discord that will notify event goers of impending event windows. Also please keep in mind these are WINDOWS, not specific start times, we keep things flexible for other player driven games/events arena activity and the like.



Fish Duels, Diving for Drake ticket releases, Discord giveaways, and Host hunting are all random events to fill time etc... 



Discord Giveaways:

  • First please edit your Server Profile, to do this right click your name > Edit Server Profile > in the Nickname field, please enter or append your characters name, this is important for me to match a discord winner to a character.
  • General chat will be disabled in this channel. 
  • Giveaways will be improvised and not set to a schedule, to participate simply join the channel and pay attention for giveaways.
  • You will be given some time to react with the suggested emoji, at the end of the timer, all names in the correct reaction will be rolled against a /random in game.
  • Winner will be traded at the token.
  • You must be present at the event to win.
  • Your Discord name must match the character name.


Horse Race:

  • 4 Speed horses of same age will be provided, the course has no flags or markers, and has a few minor possible shortcuts or setback.... The race will start just West of the deed on the highway, and continue west, then turning north follow the highway all the way around the bay to Dragon Collar Bridge, the mid point of the bridge is the finish line! Learn the course early so you don't make a fatal mistake!
  • Prizes:
  • - A semi-random prize from the general prize pool.
  • - A chance to win a fully imped/casted Saddle/Shoe set.
  • - A Digital Ticket for the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool."


Musical Chairs:

  • Due to the limitations of game we have no music to go by, so you will have to rely on watching local for move/sit/stand commands!
  • Up to 10 contestants to start, 1 less chair each round, the one standing is eliminated!
  • Prizes:
  • - A semi-random prize from the general prize pool.
  • - A Digital Ticket for the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool."


Wurmian Lawn Darts: (A Friendalong original)

  • Climb the tower and hit the target... Doesn't sound so hard does it? I hope you don't get vertigo!
  • A random number is chosen at the start of the jumping group. Each person must attempt to land in that specific cell of the grid below. The fatality rate is about 40%, most take serious or nearly deadly wounds, a lucky few take no damage at all due to the terrain anomalies Not anymore, now everyone will get hurt!
  • You "win" a couple of ways, first hitting the target cell is a winner, dying (target hit or not) is a winner as well. If you mange to die on target, you get a bonus ticket for a total of 3.
  • Prizes:
  • - 1, 2, or 3 Digital Ticket(s) for the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool."

Checkers / Chess:

  • 1v1 battle to the death! ok well maybe not to the death...
  • Prizes:
  • - A semi-random prize from the general prize pool.
  • - A Digital Ticket for the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool."

Treasure Hunt:

  • Look around for keys..... I left them somewhere nearby.... ish... maybe.
  • Prizes:
  • - 3-5 Random Items from the loot pool, may include extra "Grand Prizes Pool Tickets!"


Fish Duels: (A Friendalong original)

  • This event it BYOF (Bring your own Fish), no whales please, though funny, its blocks all the action!
  • Choose your Fish... drag to hand... then slap, slap, slap! Until the Glorious Golden Bird says one of you win by hitting the chosen secret spot.
  • Be sure you use auto-fight so your hits vary or you might have no chance in winning!
  • Prizes:
  • - Winner: A semi-random prize from the general prize pool.
  • - Loser: A bruised and slimly face.


Diving for Drake! (A Friendalong Original):

  • Once upon a time in a land called Wurm some crazy guy named VirusMD on the Pristine server.... Blah blah blah! Long story short, I threw a bunch of pieces of paper in the bay, each paper counts as an entry into the "Grand Prize Pool".
  • If you want a chance to win, win, win you will have to swim, swim, swim, and give those eagle-eyes a chance to exercise!
  • You DO NOT have to to present to win at the end of the event, I will contact you via Wurm Forums assuming I know your forum name. If you did not make a post leading me to your name I highly suggest you do or the prize will be rerolled. Once contacted you will have 3 hours to respond and arrange the details or the prize will be rerolled. The goal here is mainly for transparency so the prize is gifted at the event.
  • Once you have found an entry simply place your name on it (using rename) and place it in the large MAGIC chest in the Lamentations Hall (the Prize Building) its the amazing marble building west of the Great Hall.
  • This chest is drop only and the general public will NOT be able to remove an item they did not place there.
  • Only one entry per person, per batch (per day)! Entries will be released in smaller batches, at random times each day, to help spread out the chances of winning. If you get lucky and get one each day that's OK, but turning in multiples of the same batch (day) will disqualify you for that day... Why? Well turning in extra removes them from the pool thus increasing your chance of winning by removing potential opponents. Basically this is gaming the system and if you do this your entries wont count at all.
  • On 24th @ 5:00 PM my time, all entries will be sorted a-z placed on a google doc open to all for numbering, then a good old fashion /random will be rolled by the scorpion HOTA in the lobby and winner chosen around 6:00! Tickets that have not been turned in before the closing of the raffle will have no tangible value!
  • Boats are ok, trading days with others is ok, buying/selling them for coin is NOT, if anyone is caught trying to sell them there entries will be invalidated and will be "asked" to leave.
  • You may turn in one entry for each day even if you were not present for there release, the hard part will be finding an older one!


Fishing Contests:

  • Easy... right? You think you know..... Discard any notions of that!
  • This event will be bring your own gear.
  • Prizes:
  • - A semi-random prize from the general prize pool.
  • - A Digital Ticket for the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool."


Host Hunting! (A Friendalong Original)

  • Find VirusMD and trade him, how hard could it be?
  • Prize:
  • - Whatever I give you!


Muffin Mayhem! (A Friendalong Original)


Have you ever played one of those team building games? Well this sure isn't one of them! Muffin madness pits two teams of two against each other in an epic battle to PULL a sweet sweet muffin into your victorious side of the arena! This is a game of epic prowess, old shoes and stamina management!


  • No Picking up the muffin!
  • No Placing the muffin!
  • No Eating the muffin! (Until you win it)
  • Absolutely no Telekenesis-ing the muffin!
  • Prizes:
  • - A Delicious Muffin.
  • - A Digital Ticket for the "Grand Prizes Ticket Pool."


Common Item Sorting Mistakes and Casting Info Help.

  • As mentioned before be sure ALL your items are correctly named with your character. Find the station relevant to the skill required for your equipment.
  • For example Hammers in Blacksmithing, Swords in Weapon Smithing etc. Most are pretty obvious. Some of the most commonly misplaced items are:
  • Carving Knife, Sickle, and Scythe witch are actually Weapon Smithing.
  • (Cooking) Knife and Leather Knife are actually Blacksmithing.
  • New fishing rods are Fine carpentry, and the legacy rods are Carpentry.
  • Fishing Reels are Jewelry Smithing, with the exception of the deep water reel witch is Blacksmithing.
  • Forgetting to remove the bow string before getting your Bow improved.
  • Dredges go in the Blacksmithing coffin, not carpentry.


(this chart shamelessly stolen from someone.... Stanlee maybe? IDK, thanks buddy :P)


Staff Listings and how to contact a Staff Member.

  • VirusMD (duh)
  • Goldfinch (double duh)
  • Brattygirlsback
  • Ladygodiva
  • Kindrashae
  • Zachariah
  • Jospicy
  • Primordia
  • Smackeddown
  • Explora
  • Atheline


Sermons. (Updated 2/20/23)


The Sermonator will be back again this year! For those of you who did not get to experience this last year, it was pretty amazing. This discord bot developed by @Raybargcompletely manages and reports rotation based on server log events, to join the sermon group you simply join discord head over to the sermon channel and, and read the pinned instructions to add yourself to rotation, you can configure it to @ you when its your turn but its best to pay attention or your slot will likely be given to someone else and rotation will automatically adjust your timer back.


Blood Mixing:


Somehow we ended up with more salt then we started with last year due to on site donations, so this year were doubling the limit on bloods to 20! Chances are the great @Siderealwill be there to mix the bloods for us, so if she doesn't ill show you all where she lives and you can camp out on here lawn. Don't worry its not far from the event deed! If anyone else has great NS and wants to mix bloods as well feel free to make a post.


Ship Parking and Ship Imps.


If your getting your ship improved PLEASE enable passenger for "Everyone" to help out the impers and prevent accidental drownings. Don't expect your ship to be imped without it.

  • The WEST end of the deed is for people who would like there ships imped as well. Please move your ship once it has been imped help keep congestion down in the area for the Impers.
  • The EAST end of the deed on the Wurmian Lawn Darts Tower is for general parking.
  • If you need to unload animals use the West end of deed as you will not be able to reload them on deed.


General Gratz.

  • Deed Layout, Teraforming and Design: VirusMD, Ladygodiva, and Goldfinch.
  • Arena Design by VirusMD, Materials provided almost completely by Ladygodiva, consturction by VirusMD, Ladygodiva, and Dragonshearts.
  • Building Material Collection: VirusMD, Ladygodiva, Almostsolitude, Goldfinch, Pagsiu, Explora, Tilda, Cindylou.
  • Inn Construction: Explora, Ladygodiva, and Goldfinch.
  • Imping Hall Construction: VirusMD, Ladygodiva.
  • Inn Interior Design: Goldfinch, with support Almostsolitude, Tilda, Cindylou, and VirusMD.
  • Inn Redesign/Rebuild: VirusMD, Goldfinch, Sidereal.
  • Imping Hall Interior Design: VirusMD, with support from Ladygodiva, Pagsiu, and Almostsolitude.
  • Destruction of mountain and soul: VirusMD, Almostsolitude, and Dragonhearts.
  • Arena designed by VirusMD, materials provided by like everyone, built by VirusMD, Ladygodiva and Goldfinch.
  • Prize Hall designed, crafted and built wholly by Ladygodiva.
  • Game Hall designed, and built by VirusMD and Goldfinch.
  • Storage Closet designed and built by VirusMD.
  • Thanks to the bunch of folks who helped with all the enchanted grass for the campground, Goldfinch, Smackeddown, Primordia, Serraphine and many others.



Edited by VirusMD
Friendalong Insanity Syndrome
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Happy to help imp

Carp 95

FC 90

LW 75

Stonecutting 70

Masonry 90

and various BS skills if needed support in the 50-60 range to at least get the items started


Can also bring my Lib priest - only 80 channeling (and bene) however, but am working on skilling up and hope to be 90ish around the time of the imp.

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Will be there with my 99.9991+ Blacksmithing skill, Vyn priest (95+ bene) and The Sermonator!


Edited by Raybarg
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As always happy to staff and help out. I will also be stationed at the imping stations as usual. One of my favorite impalongs, very excited for this!

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I had great fun last year, looking forward to this so much!



98 blacksmithing

80 Carp, masonry

70 FC, cloth tailoring

+ my Vyn priest should hopefully be 95+ channelling+benediction by then.


See you in July!

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I will most likely be there. Once again it surrounds my birthday. Starts on The Man's bday, ends on mine. Not sure when our birthday trip will be this year..


If I am there I'll be there with the girls: Salacia 99 channeling vyn, Fragglerock 96 channeling Fo and Celaeno 92 channeling mag (maybe Lib by then? If I get my tunnel reworked)


And myself:

99 carp

99 FC

93 LW


92 JS

99 blacksmithing

98 pottery

92 masonry


And some other stuffs. So I can work where needed.. or just stand around and occupy space.

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Aaedean here and happy to help in any skill needed that we may need a hand in. I hope to be a WS 98 but where ever is fine with me too

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I will be there to fuel forges and hopefully work on some weaponsmithing. and I definitely will be leaving my shoes at home!

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i Want to come = ill cant get this java to work with me so ill trying first time on 4 months....

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Brought a few stuff (silver lumps and stone shards) to the loading area west of the buildings.

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9 hours ago, Ekcin said:

Brought a few stuff (silver lumps and stone shards) to the loading area west of the buildings.

ty sir, i have found them and will record them now!

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Summer is a gray and hazy area right now, but I plan on coming and bringing my sundry skills with me. Additionally, if I continue my mining project, I might be able to bring some high QL lumps when I arrive. 


And if you've got an inn this year, please save me a bed to crash in.

Edited by LadyCygnet
Offerings for the Wurm Lord

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On 3/7/2023 at 5:36 PM, LadyCygnet said:

Summer is a gray and hazy area right now, but I plan on coming and bringing my sundry skills with me. Additionally, if I continue my mining project, I might be able to bring some high QL lumps when I arrive. 


And if you've got an inn this year, please save me a bed to crash in.

we do have an inn this year, i dont have a room roster yet as its being renovated to add more rooms per floor and an additional floor and turn the lobby into a more traditional layout. Should also eliminate that pesky summoning bug.

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99.57 pas

81.5 weaponsmithing

84 masonary

79.5 blacksmithing


any skills that have not been volunteered that you need

reserve me a room please I took a vacation to help with this event

this is Farscape

Edited by bobhope

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Hope ill make it too. Last year i had good times there.

Will bring my 97 NS, 95 WS and some more to help

See you all there

Edited by Ekino

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If i manage to get there i can bring my Vyn priest and my main. ns, bs, cas,ws, carp, fine carp are the skills i can bring to the table. 


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I plan to attend as well. Most notable skills include 90LW and 88 PAS. I intend to do mostly the PAS if I haven't hit 90 by then. Have a wide variety of 70s to cover whatever random things may be needed otherwise.

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I put in PTO so I can attend everyday! I am mostly interested in sermons on my priest as my main crafter is mostly just various smithing skills in the 60s and masonry my highest at 74. I'd be more then happy to help out if I can.

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On 2/12/2023 at 10:02 PM, VirusMD said:

 Chances are the great @Siderealwill be there to mix the bloods for us, so if she doesn't ill show you all where she lives and you can camp out on here lawn. Don't worry its not far from the event deed!


By Vynora's hoop earrings I'll be there unless the earth itself swallows me whole!  Just please please don't send everyone to camp on my lawn like you did last year.  On the bright side, it did make for some interesting archeology fragments...

And I'm not sure I'll be able to improve upon the dye kits from last year, so look forward to more of those.  I still need to finish the dyes for the bridge lights, so that's my focus at the moment!

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