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Skill gain broken

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Mining skill does not scale with stamina level. Instead i always get 2 (0.00008 or 0.000015) same ticks with full, half or zero stamina. Sometimes i get bigger (0.000015) tick with 3/4  stamina. But when i have 1/4 stamina i get only  (0.00008). That started after yerstaday patch. Skillgain reduced by several times after yerstaday patch.

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The minimum tick size is 0.000008 (technically 0.00000762939453 for those interested) and will only show in game when you've reached at least that much skill, even with skill ticks set to "Always". This is the same for every skill in Wurm. When you get to high enough level, every skill tick shown in game is actually a culmination of multiple skill gaining actions, until you reach that point. If you run out of stamina during an action, you will also receive greatly reduced skill-gain from it. 

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I get log with skill tick on every strike.


I start with 100% stamina. Finished at 31% of stamina. 7 strikes. Water, food, CCFP all at full.


[15:57:56] Mining increased by 0,000008
[15:58:05] Mining increased by 0,000015
[15:58:18] Mining increased by 0,000008
[15:58:32] Mining increased by 0,000008
[15:58:46] Mining increased by 0,000015
[15:59:02] Mining increased by 0,000015
[15:59:19] Mining increased by 0,000015


The problem is that with the increased skill timer, I didn't get increased skill ticks. And because i had skill tick on every strike ticks shown not a culmination of multiple skill gaining actions.

Back on Monday, there was a linear dependence between the timer and skill gain.


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Imagine your first skill tick was around 0.000009, and that you already had around 0.000004 from a previous action. It would still only show as a tick of 0.000008, with the remaining 0.000005 going towards the next tick. The second action then gives 0.000010. This shows as 0.000015, since you managed to get enough for 2 ticks at once. The third action again gives 0.000010, giving a single tick, and rolling over 0.000002 to the next action. Fourth action gives 0.000011, showing a normal single tick, and rolling the previous 0.000002 along with this action's 0.000003 over. The fifth action then gives 0.000012, showing a double sized tick, leaving an excess of 0.000002. The sixth action gives 0.000013, using up the remaining excess, showing again a double tick. The final action gives 0.000015, due to it being the longest, giving two ticks on its own.


These numbers are obviously made up, I cannot know for certain exactly how much skill you should have gained, but at the level you'd normally gain this size of ticks, these are pretty reasonable assumptions. Based on what you've shown here, I do not see any potential "broken" skill gain. If you have further evidence, I will happily look it over.

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1 hour ago, Shydow said:

Imagine your first skill tick was around 0.000009, and that you already had around 0.000004 from a previous action. It would still only show as a tick of 0.000008, with the remaining 0.000005 going towards the next tick. The second action then gives 0.000010. This shows as 0.000015, since you managed to get enough for 2 ticks at once. The third action again gives 0.000010, giving a single tick, and rolling over 0.000002 to the next action. Fourth action gives 0.000011, showing a normal single tick, and rolling the previous 0.000002 along with this action's 0.000003 over. The fifth action then gives 0.000012, showing a double sized tick, leaving an excess of 0.000002. The sixth action gives 0.000013, using up the remaining excess, showing again a double tick. The final action gives 0.000015, due to it being the longest, giving two ticks on its own.


So you mean that all the skill values in the log panel are the sum of the set 0.00000762939453. And do not display the exact values of the increase in the skill.

Why can't game show exact values without rounding them to the nearest 0.000008?

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Correct, and I am not sure. That's simply how it is, and how it has always been.

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We simply call these things as wogic, there are many of such in Wurm.

This is the same reason why you only see to get a skill tick at every 2-3 weeks prior reaching 100 skill (which is actually also not whole 100 but 99.99999somethinglonger).

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Aye, what Jaz said: close to 100 you need hundreds of actions before you see that little 0.000008 skill tick in the client. Client is not updated for every tiny tick, I assume to save on network traffic.

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