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Treasure map J21 - help appreciated

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Perhaps it's something like this,3576

I guess that because I see what looks like a diagonal northeast/southwest road on your map, maybe turning east to Ravensbrook.

I might see some other details, but maybe not, the colors are not so clear.

Perhaps it's more northeast, maybe like here,3565 . This matches a little more with topography lines, but in any case, both my guesses are near the same general area.


I recommend saving your screenshots as something with less compression, like a .PNG, because a lot of color detail is fuzzed out or lost if you save it as JPEG


I hope my guesses are good!

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Most difficult map I think I've ever seen, this one is tough.


My guess is that the contours in this case don't match the mapdump well (it happens), making this ultra hard. I think the deed ruin icon in the right has a diagonal road going through it, and you can just make out a few faint outlines of a horizontal road linked to it. Given the diagonal road going NE to SW and the lack of any other features on the map (such as water, peat, or a more obvious highway), I think it's somewhere in the centre-south of J21. My best guess would be,3574.

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To give a clue, these are all the deeds I archaeo'd out.  Hailiah helped out a lot.  After 4 hours last night looking, I went to bed.  White horse is Hailiah's deed, so I asked if she had any info.  She didn't but offered to help out.  We spent 5 hours each today combing the area.  She found the deed just as you both above posted your guesses.  You were both pretty close.  Found the casket and step 3 of 4 or 5 is now done (step 4 looks easy, over by Graymead).  TY all who helped!





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My best guess would be right about here: Xanadu (


The odd little "F" shaped marking north and slightly west of that looks similar to other markings I've seen which indicate a mine opening, can see a bit of the diagonal road, and there's what looks like the remains of an old foundation to the southeast where the fallen deed might have been.

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