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Corrections and Additions to the Healing Cover Wiki Page

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Dear wiki team,
Thanks for your hard work. I have a suggestion to change some text and add some ingredients to the healing cover list.

Today I was making healing covers and was made aware that green coffee beans and green tea leaves are substances to use to make healing covers too, so those would be nice to get added.

To test the potency of them I made a couple of different mixes, when I found that the examine healingcover flavortext does not align with the values on the Healing Cover Wiki Page:

This section here has to be corrected 4AKk0BL.png

first line is value 1-4

second line is 5-9

third is 10-14

fourth is 15-19 (17,18 and 19 are not mentioned and I guess that is due to the values not being makeable from the values you mix with, but it still doesn't provide the logical thinking from the code I think)
the last is correct

Speaking of the code, looking in the WU it looks like this and it might be beneficial to write it like that too on the wiki?

Using the table on the wiki I could determine the substance potency of the green coffee beans and the green tea leaves by mixing them with different other substances.



Firstly I used corn * coffee = [15:32:52] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will help some against wounds.
That means corn (1) * coffee (x) = 1 to 4 cover potency.

Secondly I used glands * coffee = [15:34:08] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be pretty efficient against wounds.
That means gland (5) * coffee (x) = 5 to 9 cover potency (this was where I got confused in the first place due to the old values on the wiki)

Thirdly I mixed them with sage * coffee = [15:35:22] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will help some against wounds.

That means sage (3) * coffee (x) = 1 to 4 cover potency


The same was done with tea giving the same results.

So I could conclude that coffee and tea has a potency of 1.

1*x = <5, and 5*x = <10, and 3*x = <5
x = 1

To test the WU codes I made following healing covers and examined  them

Corn (1) * Mint (2) = 2 = [15:45:53] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will help some against wounds.

Garlic (2) * Mint (2) = 4 = [15:47:28] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will help some against wounds.


Corn (1) * Gland (5) = 5 = [15:46:20] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be pretty efficient against wounds.
Eye (3) * Mint (2) = 6 = [15:43:11] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be pretty efficient against wounds.
Eye (3) * Sage (3) = 9 = [15:44:02] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be pretty efficient against wounds.


Mint (2) * Gland (5) = 10 =  [15:45:01] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be good against wounds.

Lovage (4) * Eye (3) = 12 =[15:48:40] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be good against wounds.


Sage (3) * glands (5) = 15 = [15:40:07] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be very good against wounds.

Lovage (4) * Glands (5) = 20 = [15:50:33] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It is supreme against wounds.
Heart (5) * Glands (5) = 25 = [15:51:25] A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It is supreme against wounds.

I hope this makes sense and it helps a bit :D 

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Applying the cover gives the number as well without the guesswork

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19 hours ago, Archaed said:

Applying the cover gives the number as well without the guesswork

Thanks! :D But then I have to get hurt and butch as I am it's hard to get wounds ;) hehe
Thanks for the tip. I appreciate that for later use.

Also math isn't guessing ;)

Not quite the point of the post though.

And what a nice new profile Gif you have there!

Edited by Fraskesa

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Thank you! I made these changes! Please let us know if it all looks right with your info. 

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Yes, NeeNee ❤️ thank you so much for your work :D 

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