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same as p00nagers roleplay topic first

everyone starts of in the middle of no where and knows nothing

thijs wakes up and cant seem to remember what he was before this day and starts walking around amazed of the place he woke up into

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Garah blinks the sleep out of his eyes and stares around himself in confusion. The last thing he can remember is a spinning room and more ale than he could drink in a year. He sits up and is immediately reprimanded with a throb of his brain, reminding him, again, of the ale. From what he can discern through the haze of his malicious hangover, he is in a lavish four poster bed, covered in pillows and downy blankets. The bed's mattress is leaning to one side, and in his weakened state, Garah allows himself to fall on what he hopes is a gorgeous, buxom lass. But it is not. It is Garrettwademan. And a gorilla.

Garah's high-pitched, painful shriek of terror rends the cool morning air as he races out of the room, scrabbling to put on his tunic and pantaloons. He races from the hotel room and stumbles down the stairs to the familiar atmosphere of the Tavern below, but all is not as he remembers it. The whole town is gathered in the Tavern, pints of frothy ale in hand, and as they catch sight of Garah, they begin to cheer.

"EEEEEY!" jeer Wintersolstice and Rudie.

"WOOO!" shouts Demondan and Ianpwnsjoo, from behind the counter

A raucous "WAHOOO!" comes from the Kitchen, where Freddy is cooking up a storm.

The laughter of Annette and Tommty peals into Garah's hungover ears, reverberating through his swollen head.

Still stumbling through the Tavern, someone passes Garah a tankard, It's Mee, barely knee high to a goblin, but joining in the festivities. Garah downs the frothy liquid in on go and reels out into the street. The cobblestone road leaps up to catch Garah as he plummets down the step from the tavern, and Garah sees stars, then blackness. Then he vomits a bit, too.

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A few minutes after Garah stumbles by, Ian thinks he ought to check on Garah. He downs the last gulp of his pint and wobbles out the door, only to find him lying face-down on the road outside. Ian goes back inside for a small pinewood bucket, and fills it with 12.00 kg of fresh-tasting water. He then heads back outside, using the walls along the way to help keep his balance.

Garah wakes up with a start when Ian sloshes water all over his head.

A bleary-eyed Garah rolls over and exclaims "What was that for?!?"

"Get up Garah... it's time for some.... RD PAINTBALL!!" replies Ian.

Ian pulls a reluctant Garah up from the street and hands him a short bow and a quiver full of arrow shafts. Pulling out his own bow and quiver, the two stumble back inside the tavern, pelting everyone in sight with their arrow shafts, all the while screaming their war cries.

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Garah stumbles into the bar and spots Wintersolstice behind the counter, polishing glasses.

"Gimme a khuppa pikmeyup" He slurs, and Winter slides a pint across the bar. Catching it in one hand, he notches an arrow shaft with the other, and steadies himself against a post with his knee. He slams the empty pint glass down on the table and unleashes a volley of arrow shafts into the crowd of rivendalians, missing Ian completely, but smashing up the bar a treat.

Cries ring out and Garrett's gorilla lover comes charging down the stairs, angry and jealous that Garah had left before there was a chance for morning nookie.

"Watch out!" Yells Rudie, being trampled under the gorillas giant feet. Just then, Garah conveniently passes out again and hits the deck. The gorilla, unable to change direction, trips over Garah's limp body and goes tumbling out the swingy doors of the tavern.

Another beer slides along the bar and smashes on the floor, waking Garah up again.

Looking around fervently for the gorilla, Garah sees instead a love stricken Garrettwademan run out the doors to re-tame his beloved with some rat meat. With all the arrow shafts spent, Garah decides to stumble back to his place on the counter and order another pint. At this point, Garah's liver drops out of his bottom and crawls out the door, seeing itself no longer needed.

"So Garah, quite a night, eh?" Squeaks Mee, the top of his head just barely poking over the other side of the bar.

"augh" Garah mumbles, still recovering. An arrow shaft hits him in the side of the head and Ian can be heard giggling and notching up another one.

"You remember what happened?" Mee's voice comes again.

"Awoh? ee ga duh ming titah e dilly ona spind" Garah croaks, and an arrow shaft goes whizzing past his head, smashing a clay jar into a million pieces.

"That's right we were celebrating your mining title by drinking to the spindle god" Winter smiles. An arrow shaft knocks the glass he is cleaning from his hand and he shoots Ian a sharp glare. "I think you've had enough, Garah, time to slow down"

"I'll tell yooo wenife hadnuf!" Growls Garah. "keep pouringa dinks" And he vomits on himself a bit and passes out.

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Testvan appeared, still holding the box and stone, in a small room, little more than a closet, really, and looked around. It was well polished and completely unadorned, but for a mantel, like that for a fireplace, except there was none, and a lever and key hole opposite it. Looking atop the mantel, Testvan saw a key and, after giving a moment of thought, turned, placed it in the key hole, and pulled the lever.

With a small rumble, the wall swung inward, revealing a room, full of people and humming with magic of all different sorts. The wall was the back of a book case, how clever! thought Testvan. Testvan stepped from his hidden room, and with a flourish of his cloak bowed to the people in the room, exclaiming, "Greetings ladies and gents! I trust that I'm in the correct place for the questing, festivities, and feasting to come," and after a quick glance around, he leaned toward the closest person, an finely dressed woman and whispered loudly, "though truthfully I had hoped the feasting would be first."

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[me=Poonager]is happy as Thijs remembers me!!!  ;D :D;)[/me]

Anyways, Poonager walks around this new land once again. He gets deja vuex, as if he had been here before.

"Oh cool, giant scorpian!" he said.

That scorpian bit him hard. Poonager got more deja vuex. Then he remembered:


Forsaking Vynora, Fo, Magranon, and Libila (whatever that is), thousands of people all wearing the same shirt, pants, boots, and the same hairdo and bear follow him.

He begins to preach:

What is this? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Look at him. His creations surround you everywhere. Out of love and passion... What is your goal in life? Who is stopping you? Pitiful fool. Look at you...


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thijs sings pretty pretty shiny shiny pretty pretty shiny shiny (and on and on and on) and follows p00nager

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Garah vomits a bit in his sleep and rolls over.

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thijs wanders around bit aimlessly looking for something to find what he can do

2 hours later

thijs finds some iron ore and a few logs and makes a improvised fire out of the logs and turns the iron ore into lumps wich he carries around without burning his hands and hes amazed what warmth they give him in the cold nights

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[me=Poonager]cuddles up next to Thijs...  ;D[/me]

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thijs hides next to something huge and warm (later in live he realizes it was a dragon)

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thijs hides next to something huge and warm (later in live he realizes it was a dragon)

Sorry to cut in with some normal conversation....but I don't believe single line RPing is valid :P

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Maximustehgreat awoke, Sliding off the Slab from his coffin he jumped out. He stood there in a gaze at what his purpose was in this strange place he woke up in. After seeing the Large whip on the table, he soon realized his purpose.

After many moans and groans from his home, he payed his guards with the money he made from his pleasure shack.

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thijs wanders around after his first warm night scouting the area trying to find out whats around him.

later that day when he was finished scouting he comes back and finds a dozen + bodies laying around his former sleeping spot.

after stacking up the bodies behind a tree he finds something shiny laying buried under some leafs and brushes the leafs away and finds something called a hatchet(but he doesnt know what to do with it yet)

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Garah wakes up from his ale-induced coma and squints his eyes to clear the fog away. It doesn't work, so he shakes his head sharply, and is reprimanded by a searing pain shooting up his neck. He grasps at it and feels a warm, sticky liquid dripping from the back of his head. Panicking, Garah jumps to his feet, frantically looking around him for a puddle of blood, expecting the worst.

His nostrils are assailed by the foul stench of five day old vomit stagnating in the sun and he realises what the sticky liquid is. Gross.

'Right' Garah thinks to himself, 'It's about time I get back to work. But first I really need a wash, where's a cauldron?'

Garah spins around, suddenly finding he is not in farmiliar surroundings. Tall pine trees pierce the late morning sky with their spiny peaks like spindles poking out of a barrel, only broken here and there by the odd camelia or rose bush, and a smattering of Birch trees. He seems to be on the apex of a small knoll, so he begins trudging down the steepest slope, figuring that water will be in the lowest point of land. Taking a glance at his status bars, Garah realises he is quite hungry, and absolutely parched, so he walks extremely slowly, taking rests every ten or fifteen steps to catch his breath.

Just as he is taking his ninth rest, leaning against a big old oak tree, Garah's ears prick up. Water! Garah sluggishly races towards the sound, resting only twice in the whole ten meter distance. The trees break open and he is greeted with a brisk river-borne wind, cooling his skin and drying the already crusted sick coating his clothes. He falls to his knees and starts gulping down mouthfuls of the life giving liquid, stopping only when the blue meter is full. Then he dives into the shallow stream and washes the dried spew from the fibers of his tunic and pantaloons.

Once he is satisfied that he has washed himself sufficiently, Garah pulls his legs up and allows the current of the stream to carry him away, as his highly evolved brain has already unconsciously decided to go to the sea, as everybody knows that Rivendell is near the sea!

Garah flips onto his back and smiles as the warm midday sun strikes his face and warms his chest like a nice stiff shot of Rivendell Port, the finest drop in the land. He licks his lips with that thought, and continues down the river.

Chunks of his spew bump against his body and he remembers the filth that he had committed into this stream not moments earlier. 'Oh well,' He thinks to himself, 'one more wont hurt' and he pull down his pantaloons to pop out a cigar.

Just as he cuts it off, the stream turns a sharp corner, and the trees lining the shore split to reveal a large plain, with a fort perched upon a hillside just off the river. Lining the banks are five or six people washing clothes and cutlery and drinking from the water. Pantaloons still halfway down his thighs, Garah slowly floats by the citizens of Valhalla, on their weekly wash day. Garah spots a man on the shoreline filling a barrel full of drinking water, and can't help but snigger to himself. The man hears the tittering of Garah's voice and looks up, just missing the egg that Garah had laid a few second before, which is now sliding silently into his barrel of drinking water. Garah spots it, though, and the outburst of laughter is stifled by his head bobbing under the water. The man shakes his head and seals his barrel before loading it into his cart.

Still chortling to himself, Garah waves goodbye to Valhalla and its soon to be salmonella and dysentry ridden citizens, and rounds another bend in the river.

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Danny re-gains consciousness from behind a large boulder, with his shovel and mallet lying on the ground next to him. Danny can't remember much, and cannot find anyone around, so he goes looking around for anyone at all. Danny takes a sharp rock and engraves "Danny" onto the handle, and leaves it in the ground; perhaps for others to stumble upon.

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Poonager looks around the Large Rat Inn and decides to bump this thread. For no particular reason...

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Poonager wakes up, and realizes everything was a dream. Then he looks around. He notices something stuck in the dirt. A backpack.

"Hmm, there's school in this place, too? Aww, man...."

He picks it up and looks inside, finding a hatchet, a carving knife, a pickaxe, and some steel and flint.

"Hmm... I wonder what each of these do..."

Using his hatchet, he starts to whack the ground. Nothing happens. Then he uses the knife, then the pickaxe. Still nothing. Then he uses the steel and flint.

Sparks fly out everywhere, and the grass catches on fire. Soon the fire spreads to the trees around him.

"Oh crud..."

"Only YOU can prevent a forest fire!" yells a brown bear, standing up on its hind legs.

Poonager runs for his life.

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Danny waves at Poonager, but sees him distantly dissapear through the trees. Danny goes to investigate smoke raising through the center of some trees.

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Poonager continues to run, breathless, until at 0% stamina (he just noticed this green bar thing hanging above him all the time), he topples onto the ground.

It's getting hotter...

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees something interesting and picks it up. It is labeled "Resurrection stone", and he decides to play around with it. It then disappears.

Just at that moment, his shirt catches on fire...


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Tommty comes and say: Hey I'm on TV!

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A man wakes up, he can see nothing as it is pitch black and he seems to have some kind of cloth over his eyes. He can not remember his name or what happened before he fell asleep or was knocked out. "Ive gowta geth...geth..outtu here" he says slopily. He reaches for the cloth around his eyes and tears it off, it still seems black as he is to disoriented to notice a little sliver of light near the ground to his left. He then trys to get up but swiftly lays back almost blacking out instantly from the pain that floods through his head. He tries to stay awake but fails and spirals into darkness.....

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A few hours go by and the man has ragged dreams going in and out of conciseness. In one dream he hears the screams of a girl, in another he sees an object fly across the room and hit someone in the head. In another dream it is raining and he feels water dripping on his head. He then wakes up and realises the rain isnt a dream and there is a leak in what is most likely a roof. The man looks to what he thinks is his left and sees darkness-as it is now night and there are no lights on outside-he then looks to his right and he sees nothing. He tries to get up as the pain in his head is no longer unbearable. After he gets on his knees and raises his head he ends up hitting it on what feels like wood. The man is 6ft. and can barely crouch on his feet as the ceiling is 4ft. in the air. He walks around the room feeling for anything at all to help him escape. he starts on the right and works his way to an unseen door. Before he reaches the door though he trips over something and puts his hands back on the wall just past the door. He decides to rest as he is fatigued and will try to find what he tripped over after he gets some rest.....

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The man has a dreamless sleep which is good as it makes him less fatiuged when he gets up. He opens his eyes and notices a light coming trough the floor to what is now his right. He is overjoyed but keeps himself calm he waits 30 minutes to let his eyes adjust so he can see the room he was help in. He sees the cloth that was over his eyes and relises that it 2kgs of rags, he also sees a ragged pickaxe which he believes is 12-14ql by the door. "That must be what I tripped over" he says to himself." He hears something on the other side of the door and picks up the cloth and the pickaxe. He goes to the door but realises there is a 1ql padlock on it. He smashes it off in 4 hits with the pickaxe although severly damageing it. He decides to take the broken padlock with him. As he opens the door it opens about halfway then hits something on the ground. He hears someone moan. He steps through the door and looks to his right and looks down. He sees a young girl. She is pretty with long black hair down to the middle of her back and she is wearing a vanilla colored dress. She is unconciess......

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OMG Shannara has found me!

(I accidentally used the /gofemale command...)

Poonager wakes up stares at "The Man."

She sees the pickaxe in his hand and mistakes it for a huge double sided scythe.

"Oh crud it's a homicidal maniac!!!"

Poonager flees and runs into a wall. Black.

OOC: How did we get into the cave again?

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