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Weed Controls self service market for crops.

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Welcome to Weed Controls self service market for crops.

Since all Fsb/Bsb is on perimeter you cant get the fsb or bsb when you buy the crops.

So you need to take a fsb or bsb with you, so you can transfear the crops over to your own fsb or bsb.

Or anything else you use to transport the crops home with. 


If you travel on land, Weed Control is connected to the highway system. 
On ingame map Weed Control is on SW Cadence S 10/11
On community map its here:,3413


Merchant Shaylee sell you keys for the fsb/bsb.

She is behind the house, called Storage and Boathouse.


Price is 1 silver /k.
On dock in the perimeter of deed you find: 



And behind them all is a chest, where you can drop the key after you empty the fsb or bsb. 






Once again very welcome to shop, and I hope my crops will serve you well :) 


Edited by Maiya

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It says nowhere that you offer this, but I figured I'd ask just in case you will consider it:


do you take orders? I see no tomatoes in your list of veggies and I'd love to outsource a bunch of high ql tomatoes

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12 minutes ago, Borstaskor said:

It says nowhere that you offer this, but I figured I'd ask just in case you will consider it:


do you take orders? I see no tomatoes in your list of veggies and I'd love to outsource a bunch of high ql tomatoes

At the moment I only sell by self service and I dont got any tomatoes right now

but I can sow that next time which will be next monday 17th, and followed monday 24th  I will harvest them

so please look out here for an update  then :) 


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BSB 1 QL:93,29  cotton 1500

BSB 3 QL:95,38  reed plants 2500

Are sold 

TY very much to the buyers :)

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List is updated with:


FSB 13 QL:97,72 Tomato 5000
FSB 14 QL:97,72 Tomato 5000


Welcome by and shop


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First post updated with:

BSB 1 QL:97,89  cotton 1999
BSB 2 QL:97,89  cotton 1999


Welcome  by and shop



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First post updated


FSB 4 QL:97,42  garlic  5000
FSB 7 QL:96,74  rice  4675
FSB 8 QL:97,47  carrot 10000
FSB 11 QL:97,43 Corn 3000
FSB 13 QL:97,72 Tomato 5000
BSB 1 QL:97,89  cotton 1999
BSB 3 QL:97,89  wemp plants 4600


Big ty to the buyers 


Welcome by and shop 





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First post updated  ALL SOLD OUT 


FSB 1 QL:97,46  cabbage 5000 
FSB 2 QL:97,47  carrot  5000

FSB 12 QL:97,47 Carrot 5000
FSB 3 QL:97,50  cucumber 5000

FSB 9 QL:97,50  cucumber 5000
FSB 10 QL:96,53 onion 10000
FSB 6 QL:96,75  pea pods 5000
FSB 14 QL:97,72 Tomato 5000

BSB 2 QL:97,89  cotton 1999




TY very much to the buyer 

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