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Sort out some distances

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I can be close enough to a ship to add it to my crafting window, but if I try to add materials to it I'm told "You are too far away to do that."

I can be close enough to a cart, ship, or other container to open it and see inside, but if I try to remove anything... same problem.


I feel like these inconsistencies need to be ironed out. The crafting window is particularly bad.

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distance for take/place/drag-drop(to take or drop) are different... it's a long scare that all will be nerfed to tiny range that drag/drop is.. except.. it does spam with useless cryptic messages like "not allowed", "too far" etc... EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY is allowed or what the range is.. so the player can learn the rules to operate with these distances, instead of having to cope with random messages that do not help for other than COLD, COLD, COLD, WARM, HOT... great game of guessing distances..


the UI and game itself have no way to explain distance within the game, maybe this is done to skip things like "you're <1.7 TILES AWAY> from the object, your reach is 1.6", still.. existing system with the feedback is not very clear what it wants from the players... similar with the pendulums and casts with the "a throw away", <xxxx> distance away in some direction etc..  -> these things are just explained on the wiki or you test it on your own to make use of the cryptic texts

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I hate the "you are not allowed to do that" message.  If you are clearly too far away to take anything from a container, you don't even get the option to open it, but in a certain range of ranges the game will allow you to open it, see what is in it, and maybe even toss something else in, but not take anything out at all.  It is completely counter-intuitive and the messages are no help.


Ships are annoying because the distance seems to be related to a particular 1-tile location of a specific part of the ship (very noticeable with the knarr).


If nothing else, give meaningful messages so that players can learn the required distances.  Using "tile" in an even message will not be immersion-breaking enough to be a concern.

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+1 I agree. If you can open it you should be able to add and remove from it. And the "you are not allowed to do that'" message is a bit confusing. I keep wondering who is denying the allowance of the action not what.

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I remember the times when I could setup crafting area/blacksmith at 2x2 building.

Standing in the center of it, I could reach each and every thing, even in the very far corner.


Now, I cannot even take things from containers that are much closer.

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Opening but not being able to take stuff out is the most annoying thing. I open, attempt to transfer a few items, not notice that I was one step too far away and didn't actually transfer the item. Wasted time.

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in addition there's the old illogical... 

A-container <-----> player <-----> container B..


you can reach A and B, but can not move a thing from A->B or B->A without moving the item from the one container into your inventory, then into the other container


it just doesn't make much sense.. if I can reach 2 cupboards.. why to I need to hug the one to operate with it, then hug the other if reach is just fine from where I am, it's just extra micromanagement and skipped logic for the case and player experience

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I really miss the old system where distance to containers was much higher. And not only that but distance to towers, colossi, ships, etc. It used to be less of a hassle to move stuff or repair them. Wish we could revert that change. 

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Yeah, the distance thing is just off. Not only the issues related above, but also it depends on whether you are embarked in a wagon or on foot. I have many BCU's and crate racks that I interact with, and I can be almost on top of them in a wagon and not be able to drop stuff in or pull things out of. As soon as I disembark from the wagon, without moving a step, I'm able to do so. And as Wilczan pointed out, you used to be able to reach all points of a 2x2 area if you stood on the center tile corner, but not since that update awhile back where they nerfed the distance thing. I understand that maybe having a tower 10 stories high and being able to reach storage on the 10th floor while standing on the ground floor was probably something that needed to be addressed, but the current situation is truly terrible and not at all an upgrade.

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