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[Auction Over] High-Quality Steel Tools with BotD — One-Day Multi-Lot Auction

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Get 'em cheap, get 'em fast!

Up for auction are some zippy and durable steel tools enchanted with Blessings of the Dark for enhanced speed and skill gain,

at a range of quality and cast levels to suit all players and all wallets.


Bids are for each item separately.

Place as many bids as you wish using the red number/letter tags in the images or by specifying item and tier.

Items will be sent CoD to winners, so please include your in-game name with bids.

For the current bids to beat, see first post below.


First Tier


Starting Bid (Per Item): 10c

Minimum Raise (Per Item): 5c


Mid Tier


Starting Bid (Per Item): 50c

Minimum Raise (Per Item): 10c


Top Tier


Starting Bid (Per Item): 1s

Minimum Raise (Per Item): 25c



Reserve: None

Private Bids: Not Accepted

Buyout: None

Sniper Protection: 15 min



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1a hatchet



1b knife



1c pickaxe



1d rake



1e saw



1f shovel



1g small anvil



1h stone chisel



1i trowel



2a hatchet



2b knife



2c pickaxe



2d saw



2e shovel



2f small anvil



2g stone chisel



2h trowel



3a hatchet



3b knife



3c pickaxe



3d rake



3e saw



3f shovel



3g small anvil



3h stone chisel



3i trowel



Edited by Caolon
Added Table for Current Bids

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3e, 3g, 3h - 1s each

Name ingame is Nahimana.

Edited by Morbidae

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1b, 1d, 1h - 10c each

2b, 2d, 2g - increase each one 10c to 60c each

3i - 1s


Tukodama - IGN

Edited by Tukodama

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2f 60c
1cf 10c

Edited by Lolens

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Auction closed! Winners, please make sure I know the in-game name you want your item(s) CoD'd to, and thank you to everyone who bid.

Edited by Caolon

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