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Brass oil lamps

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Three things every bug report should include:

# What happened
Brass oil lamps never go out and can be used as street lanterns when placed on a container.

Also, sometimes they take hella damage but most of the times they don't which is something I haven't figured out.  If they take a weird amount of damage then picking them up and dropping them fixes the problem.  I made a 92ql brass oil lamp that is down to 85ql because of the weird damage it sometimes takes.

ALSO, the flame is sometimes off center from the end of the brass lamp when you place them.  These things are weird.

# What you expected to happen
Brass oil lamps should go out when dropped.  They should take a consistent amount of damage instead of 4 on a frequent tick sometimes and none at all other times.  And the flame should be centered.

# Steps to reproduce
Try placing them on various objects at various points in the day.  I placed one on a table and it went out.  I currently have one placed on a small barrel as my single street lamp and it isn't going out.  Feel free to take a look at it.

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