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QoL suggestions

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Some quality of life suggestions


1. Make the chat tabs not highlighted when log in.

    - In the profile, you can turn off show startup message for GL chat etc. I still want it to open but not be highlighted. No option for the Alliance and Village tabs, highlight seems to turn off for them when I turn off the GL chat and Trade chat. Maybe the highlight chat system needs reworking, or maybe it's just me idk, need feed back from players on this one.
    - It's a PITA to click them all every time, if you don't you can easily miss a pm or local message. Even worse when going back and forth from pvp to pve server on NFI, constant clicking... 


2. Fix, in the new UI, satchel / backpacks on the toolbelt not showing the number of it's contents. 

   - No I won't post this in the bug section :D


3. The main menu bar has a red arrow button to toggle the menu off, this button is surrounded by the quit button, if you miss the arrow button you get the quit dialog box.

     - Wait, you're saying you want to LEAVE Wurm Online?    No, no i'm not, I want to close the menu bar you.....   REEEEEEEE


4. Make take range from bsb / crate the same range as the take range of loose items from a container.  

    - Working away getting tools and stuff, get some iron [11:03:39] You are too far away from the iron lumps now.   REEEEEEEEE


5. When zooming in on the ingame map, you lose the X,Y numbering and lettering.

     -  Zoom in on a nice feature on the NW of any map, hmm whats the co-ords? scroll across, ok F, scroll back, wait did I follow the line correctly, scroll back and check, repeat repeat,

                   repeat with the numbers  REEEEEEEEEE


6. Larger storage. Seriously...  The new item specific storages (weapon racks etc) are great but opening 10x storage boxes to grab a bunch of stuff to do a task....   REEEEEE x Infinity .
          - Saddle racks hold like 6 saddles....really? Screw realism.    Storage racks hold so0ooo little, and large items like bardings are problematic. BCU need to hold more maybe x5

          - Make everything hold more, storage racks with x5 internal racks, those racks x10 the volume, with 200 item limit.
          - Items that won't fit in chests.. .  I could go on for days about it, it's woefully inadequate, making game life frustrating.


7. Make a black skin avatar as a special prize in a competition. It would be historically accurate to have in northern Europe during this time frame, a very small number of foreign people from around the world. We can't have it as an option though cos we would end up with 20%+ dark skinned peoples in Viking style gear lol.
    - No other races cos just change the skin to make it easy. That is, if it is easily manually inputted by a dev for a special prize like once per year or less.


8. Make shaker orbs on NFI pve servers cost 1silver or less (I bet you would take in more silver overall). Watch the help channel you see players making mistakes or just want to change their mine layout, I've done it before, it's a huge pita to find a priest, or 3silver to fix one tile in a game, lol. Making player interactions and economy from using priests is great, but I think the costs in frustration far outweigh the benefits.  NFI pve servers only, because pvp. 


9. Getting stuck in freelook mode or 3rd person is a frequent problem, freelook is worse because you lose the curser. Display the hotkey or something idk. 


10. Search by hotkey (what hotkey is bound to x?)


11. Make the Inventory save it's state when logging off. Or at least make groups pinable to the top.
    - What it looks like when I log in:


    - How I left it:

 - Not great examples, Imagine 40 or 80 items in your inventory and try to find your groups, fun times. No I don't want to sort by alphabetical or number my groups and sort name, I want to not have to click click click for days ffs REEEEE          Plus if I have my tools and stuff at the top of my inventory, then materials i'm working on at the bottom, relog for any reason, maybe a crash, come back materials mixed with tools mixed with groups,     mixed.... WTF why.


That's it. 


Edited by Omar
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- Items that won't fit in chests.. .  I could go on for days about it, it's woefully inadequate, making game life frustrating.


There are coffers ingame that can hold larger items that chests can't. It's where I stuff all my rakes, scythes, etc when I'm working on them. I do agree that the saddle and shield racks need to allow more items in them. It makes little sense to have a handful in there when you tend to use more than that.

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2 hours ago, Omar said:

7. Make a black skin avatar as a special prize in a competition. It would be historically accurate to have in northern Europe during this time frame, a very small number of foreign people from around the world. We can't have it as an option though cos we would end up with 20%+ dark skinned peoples in Viking style gear lol.
    - No other races cos just change the skin to make it easy. That is, if it is easily manually inputted by a dev for a special prize like once per year or less.

Erm,  no. The need for more diverse skin options (and hair, beard, etc) is a given and should be open to everyone once available. The look and feel of Wurm might be based on medieval Northern Europe, but this is a fantasy game. The population of medieval NE might not have been 20% dark skinned, but neither were there working magic, instant mail, giant spiders, huge ships manned by one person, or giant avatars of gods walking the land. There’d be nothing immersion-breaking with 100% of players playing dark skin characters if that’s what players wanted.


Good idea for more skin tone options, but not locked.

Edited by Calan

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8 hours ago, Omar said:

Make shaker orbs on NFI pve servers cost 1silver or less (I bet you would take in more silver overall). Watch the help channel you see players making mistakes or just want to change their mine layout, I've done it before, it's a huge pita to find a priest, or 3silver to fix one tile in a game, lol. Making player interactions and economy from using priests is great, but I think the costs in frustration far outweigh the benefits.  NFI pve servers only, because pvp. 

No -1. Use a priest its usually a lot cheaper. 

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