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Item/Stack Count as Sortable Column

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Can we please have a separate, sort-able column for item number (ie, stack count). I would like this added to all applicable container & storage menus. 


Sometimes I want to sort from heaviest to lightest, or most damaged to least damaged... but sometimes I only need to know what thing I have the most of, or the least of. For example: sometimes when I'm just cooking for hunger bar and I need "a meat" or "a vegetable" - I don't care what meat or veg I use from A to Z, or what volume it has. I just want a meat and a veg from whatever stack currently has the most to spare! 

Are there any supplies that I'm running low on? Well, I dunno - let me just dig through this bsb checking out numbers inside parentheses. I need more nails! Oh wait, I'm forgetful... was it small nails or large nails that had the fewest? . . . insert examples ad nauseam.


This topic was mentioned once before, here, and got no replies or activity. I don't know why. I also don't know why a basic "# of items" column isn't already a thing. 


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+1. But I’d much rather see a more customisable window altogether, with resizable columns and the ability to *choose* which columns to display (eg, the ones we currently have as well as count, category, rarity and I’m sure a few others can think of).

Edited by Calan
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