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Repeat gets stuck to target with Morning Fog spell

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New priest here, so not sure if this is the same with other spells, but the Repeat action seems to get stuck on the target of Morning Fog and won’t switch to another target until you do a completely different repeatable action, like dig or lead.




1) Cast Morning Fog on an animal. As soon as you begin, you see it now shows Morning Fog as the ‘repeat’ action if you hover over this target. You can now ‘repeat’ MF on the target.


2) Mouse over another target. Repeat is not available, but you can cast MF by right-clicking as normal.

3) Cast MF via context menu on this new target. Repeat is still not available on it, but if you mouse over the original target, it is.


4) Do another repeatable action like dig or lead. Doesn’t have to complete, just update the ‘repeat’ action.


5) Again cast MF on the new target, and ‘repeat’ now shows for MF on it


So ‘repeat’ for MF is getting fixated on a specific target until overridden by a different action, which isn’t how repeat works for other things, like harvesting, farming, leading, grooming, etc. After casting MF, it should appear as the ‘repeat’ action on mouse over for any target it can be cast on.

Edited by Calan

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