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Plotting a Course on Multiple Servers

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(I've moved this from a different topic to prevent it being confused with someone else's setup.)


I have three servers clustered on servers hosted by PingPerfect. Most everything is working properly. They are set up in a horizontal arrangement, West -> Central -> East.


We can plot a course from the Central server to either of the others, but do not get the option to plot a course from West -> East or vice versa; we must first go to the Central server. 

Each server's wurmlogin.db references each server in the SERVERS table. The SERVERNEIGHBORS table for each has two entries, as such: (I've put WestID, etc. instead of the actual server IDs for clarity.)


West Server
Server    Neighbor   Direction
WestID    CentralID  EAST 
CentralID EastID     EAST

Central Server
Server    Neighbor   Direction
CentralID WestID     WEST
CentralID EastID     EAST

East Server
Server    Neighbor   Direction
EastID    CentralID  WEST
CentralID WestID     WEST

Am I missing something here, or is there somewhere else I should look?

Edited by Brian

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So a few things, as I wrote plot course.


Plot Course does not use neighbors at all. It works based on the servers in your SERVERS table.


That said, your neighbors table has a few errors that could be affecting things.


1) The 'SERVER' column should always be the ID of the local server.

2) Direction should not overlap, i.e. you should not have two WESTs or EASTs. You can give them arbitrary names up to 10 characters for servers not connected via cardinal direction. (e.g.: EASTSERVER)

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Thanks, Keenan. 

So now I'm curious as to why anyone would put non-cardinal direction servers in that table. I've seen other posts say that every server in the cluster needs to be represented there; is that not the case? I previously only had the one entry for the East and West SERVERNEIGHBORS tables for the cardinal direction back to the central server.

One other oddity I see when teleporting between servers on my GM (but not with plot course) that may be related: If I'm on the East or West server, the Wurm Servers option from the Wand of Teleportation lists the Central server twice. (No other servers are listed.) Either one seems to work.

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I finally got it working.


Keenan was onto something there, though he didn't quite explain why. The problem was that my two servers on opposite sides of my login server weren't seeing that the other was available. The fix was in the SERVERNEIGHBORS table; I had to, as he suggested, put the ID of the local server in the SERVER column, the opposite server ID in the Neighbor column, then an arbitrary direction description I guess as a placeholder. I used FAREAST and FARWEST in the West and East server tables, respectively.


That did the trick. I can now plot courses to any server, and my GM Wand of Teleportation works as well.

Edited by Brian

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