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Best Place to Store Rare Materials

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Hi all, 


Where would everyone recommend to store rare materials, such as shards, logs etc?.. I have tried a few different areas including a tent, within a cart (in raft), barrels etc but they all still decay. Is there anywhere I can store them outside of my inventory where they either wont decay, or will decay a lot slower?.. This is on deed with 30+ days of upkeep. 





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unfortunately best way to store them are Merchants or Magic chests... or can use storage alt... make alt, log him to get rare mats  and log out...

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And if not get alt preem, then dont forget to log in now and then, so you dont loose him 

wwithout preem ones, they get deleted after 90 days inactivity 

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All characters, premium or not, have a 'bank' they can store 5 non-food items in without any decay at all. At a deed token, right-click and choose the 'bank' option.  Just drag the item/s in that you want saved. 

As I said, it can't hold more than five items max.  That aspect won't ever change.


Having an alternate character that does nothing but act as inventory storage can also work as well as bank another five items.


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