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The trend of unanswered questions in CA Help...

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Hi All,


Not sure where best to post this, but as a semi-player/afker during the day, the most depressing thing I see is the sheer number of newbie questions being ignored throughout the day. As a new player, I often do not know the answer, and I get that not a lot of people are around during the work-hours, but it is a little heart breaking to see these people trying to figure out the game and not having their issues solved. I don't have a solution/suggestion, just wanted to raise it as a topic to see if anyone else has noticed it or thinks it's an issue.

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The CA HELPs of the clusters are not linked - Northern and Southern Freedom, that is.


I imagine more info would be useful; which cluster you were on, and which hours you've seen this

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The NFI one I'm guessing. There have been several times I have just popped onto the CA tab to see what was going on and there hasn't been CA on in there.

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1 hour ago, Stanlee said:

The CA HELPs of the clusters are not linked - Northern and Southern Freedom, that is.


I imagine more info would be useful; which cluster you were on, and which hours you've seen this

Sorry! Yes, the Northern Islands

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I try to help as much as possible, but I stay quiet if I know nothing about a subject. If I see no one responding a long while, I try to at least acknowledge the question. Not everyone is comfortable answering questions for others if they're unsure themselves. Also we only know when CAs are online if we're on the same server as they are. it could be a period of time when no CAs are available at all. That being said, I really feel the wiki should be pushed a little more during tutorial because a lot of the questions could be solved by it.  Just my humble thoughts.

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On 10/16/2020 at 8:52 PM, PandyLynn said:

I try to help as much as possible, but I stay quiet if I know nothing about a subject. If I see no one responding a long while, I try to at least acknowledge the question. Not everyone is comfortable answering questions for others if they're unsure themselves. Also we only know when CAs are online if we're on the same server as they are. it could be a period of time when no CAs are available at all. That being said, I really feel the wiki should be pushed a little more during tutorial because a lot of the questions could be solved by it.  Just my humble thoughts.


Exactly this. A lot of people seem to be assuming they're getting ignored when their question isn't answered within some random time, but most of the time the people that are in there answering questions aren't actual CA people, and try their best. If they don't know the answer it's generally better to just not answer it at all than have 5 people answering "I don't know" and scroll off other questions that *can* be answered.


This is fairly normal for dedicated help channels. It's also why CA try to limit random chatter, since it's easy to miss actual questions that way.


I generally try to link people to the wiki if there's an article on their question, partially to get newer players (which I am one of!) used to at least trying to wiki.

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I have largely given up on CA Help in NFI.  I got tired of posting the same question and getting no response.  I did a few times get "ask in GL Freedom."

Edited by TheTrickster

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The mitigating solution to this would be to either allow CA's from SFI to also chat in NFI




Have a pop up message in CA to notify the channel itself that no CA is online at the moment. That way the players won't feel ignored and will be more understandable to the situation.

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14 hours ago, TheTrickster said:

I have largely given up on CA Help in NFI.  I got tired of posting the same question and getting no response.  I did a few times get "ask in GL Freedom."


One thing that might also help, is that it's made far more clear what CA Help is actually for, and what it's not for.


Like, it's not for asking if anyone's seen any cows on their server. But it is for asking why you can dig a specific slope even though you have the skill for it as far as you can see.


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We're looking at improved official support, but please don't forget that you can answer too! 


If you know the answer feel free to answer, and if you'd like to apply to join the CA team yourself you can do so by sending a PM to @Astarte



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I do my share of helping quite decently I think. Why not join CA_HELP from SFI and NFI and introduce a few more CAs? NFI do not have much different game mechanics than SFI. 


[platyna@boadicea wurm]$ cat ca-people-list-sorted-lines-all-months.txt | grep -v System | head -n 50
8193 Platyna
4958 Almostsolitude
4335 Zethreal
3554 Shydow
3154 Neopherus
2644 Timothymarker
2466 Nordlys
2322 Kenolein
1730 Azuleslight
1687 Kelody
1592 Adruidiazkane
1481 Amath
1384 Explora
1368 Dramien
1198 Holdentoledo
1186 Finn
1123 Damascussteel
954 Ekcin
900 Reaping
871 Crukash
862 Xheth
842 Sog
841 Silakka
802 Pelegandromn
747 Llawnroc
745 Smackeddown
732 Absy
727 Lifewarden
711 Sheffie
697 Kylan
635 Braveborn
623 Shenjiwurm
600 Petrius
599 Amata
565 Warmark
562 Maiya
540 Shrimpiie
510 Lyhrinae
501 Zarame
497 Sappiro
496 Sandyar
490 Leora
482 Jennasoi
481 Itrill
455 Bathilda
439 Wandergast
433 Tristankh
433 Jothebard
431 Erowynn
429 Olloch


Edited by Platyna

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