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Guard towers

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Towers should also be observation towers that can be accessed via spiral stairs.
Towers could also collect information about who enters and leaves the local chat. Such information would be useful, the guards would know who was around the deed while the player was asleep.

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1. Internal structure would be kind of cool, as would being able to use it as a lookout.

2. If you need to track who has been around, there is already a method for that.  It is called "tracking".  


Guard towers are not part of the deed.  In PvE they do not function to feed a player's paranoia, they function to help keep players safe.  


1 hour ago, Darnok said:

Such information would be useful, the guards would know who was around the deed while the player was asleep.


This kind of sounds like someone wearing a colander for a helmet, peering out at their neighbours through the mail slot.  

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+1 for the observation suggestion. I already made a similar post the other day for a such feature:


Edited by Xheth

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I like the idea of them tracking down who’s been around. The tracking skill itself is extremely subpar.

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19 hours ago, TheTrickster said:

1. Internal structure would be kind of cool, as would being able to use it as a lookout.

2. If you need to track who has been around, there is already a method for that.  It is called "tracking".  


Guard towers are not part of the deed.  In PvE they do not function to feed a player's paranoia, they function to help keep players safe.  



This kind of sounds like someone wearing a colander for a helmet, peering out at their neighbours through the mail slot.  


If it is pranoia then characters who are afk for more than 20 minutes just to collect such information should be automatically logged out.

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1. Yes sure, makes full sense for players to be able to use a tower for observation.


2. Being a little paranoid are we? Sure, but instead bind it to a deed.

We already have deed twitter alarms for pvp. A deed log for both pvp and pve works fine with me.

Have it trigger when people enter perimeter, gives the perimeter option much more use.


+1 for a change


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48 minutes ago, GroeneAppel said:

1. Yes sure, makes full sense for players to be able to use a tower for observation.


2. Being a little paranoid are we? Sure, but instead bind it to a deed.

We already have deed twitter alarms for pvp. A deed log for both pvp and pve works fine with me.

Have it trigger when people enter perimeter, gives the perimeter option much more use.


+1 for a change



You can avoid entering the perimeter by checking the tile, but entering the local chat near guard tower will be harder to avoid.

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8 hours ago, Darnok said:


If it is pranoia then characters who are afk for more than 20 minutes just to collect such information should be automatically logged out.


Good Gods.  You are talking about the PVE servers?  PVP is that way ------->  Why in the world would anyone in their right mind log in and stand around on a PVE server to collect information of who happened to wander across or near a deed?  LOL.  For what purpose? You act like the PVE servers are somehow covert PVP, or some kind of competition, or like you want it to be except you don't want anyone to be able to kill you.  I can think of zero reasons any of this belongs on PVE but I can think of many reasons why you should go play on a PVP server, or better yet go play on one of the WU servers.


I find it hard to believe that you are at all serious in any of this or your other "suggestions." Methinks perhaps you are trolling, albeit a lot more wordy than the average troll, and a lot more argumentative of every response.

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-1 Sorry, though this proposal is less nonsensual than the rest from this poster.


Guard towers ingame are not buildings, not structures, not items (unfinished ones are). Actually they are sort of a skin for a tile, you may walk through one. That is why they can be erected on sloped tiles, near bridges, even on highway tiles (there are a few), on roads etc.


Making them climbable would require to shape them into real buildings, which would clash with probably hundreds of existing towers.


As to the information collection, turning a tower into a tracking bot, I am not sure, but I see effort to implement and configure it properly. It is also not clear what means "enters the local chat", either players writing something in local, or just entering the local area thus appearing on the right side of the chat tab. The further would require a per tower chat log, the latter a completely new functionality with prolly unwelcome powers to some.

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