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Wurm being nice to me for the last few days...

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Over a week been working hard on this new place i setup, mostly terraforming and setting up my bungalow. Not long ago found a wandering aged golden horse, not far from where i live. Then found like three to four silvers and some copper coins in the grass. During at night i hanging out my place near the fireplace (forge) to keep warm and though about improving my tools and manage to make a rare longbow (willow), then decided to make a bow, another rare! Also noticed that i cant fit the longbow in the large chest, decided to make a bow rack, after i built it, then improve it some, booom a rare bow rack! Also made a rare shortbow too. Surprisely they all are willows and the bow rack is oakenwood. Guess this is what i get for being a elf :)


Wont be long before the hollow event comes around the corner, gonna be creepy this year!

Edited by Wildelf

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7 minutes ago, Retrograde said:

Looks like you're going to be a wood elf

Yeah, i also have another elf named Woodelf lol. But this one was my very first character i played last year and wanted to stick with her. She doing pretty good so far, hard to believe after all these mishaps, wrong turns and all over Indy and she havent got herself killed either. Lucky i guess, probably more caution than most players, but she still doesnt like caves or dungeons.

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